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The difference between run_phase and main_phase in uvm_component

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Actually, you can start a sequence in any phase. It is more important to understand the domain/scheduling relationships between the task based (i.e. runtime) phases. UVM undergoes a number of pre-simulation phases (build, connect, end_of_elaboration, start_of_simulation) that are all implemented with functions. Once those are completed, the task based phases begin. The standard includes two schedules. One is simply the run_phase, which starts executing at time zero and continues until all components have dropped their objections within the run_phase. The other schedule contains twelve phases that execute parallel to the run phase. They are: pre_reset, reset, post_reset, pre_config, config, post_config, pre_main, main, post_main, pre_shutdown, shutdown, and post_shutdown. They execute in sequence. Every component has the opportunity to define or not define tasks to execute these phases. A phase starts only when all components in the previous phase have dropped their objections. A phase continues to execute until all components have dropped their objections in the current phase.


Many companies use the run_phase for everything because there are some interesting issues to consider when crossing phase boundaries. In some respects it may be easier to use uvm_barriers for synchronization. Drivers and monitors (things that touch the hardware) are usally run exclusively in the run_phase, but there is nothing to prevent them also having reset_phase, main_phase, etc...

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