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how to report tool(vcs/ncsim..)/assertion related errors in UVM

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we see different kind of failures when we run simulations, like assertion error, uvm_error. 


How do we report outside UVM errors in report phase to give the TEST STATUS?


I am getting some psl/ovl/sva assertion  errors, but, UVM part is not reporting any error. 


how do I report test STATUS??




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What I did for my SVAs was to not use $error, but `uvm_error instead. This gets tricky if you want to do $warning, as `uvm_warning doesn't call $warning in the background, but $display (I think) and some tools might interpret it as an assertion error. You can just an extra dummy $warning message and that will solve the issue.


For PSL/OVL, you just have to live with not seeing them in the UVM reporting. In a regression, you have to rely on another mechanism to flag a test as failed when such an assertion triggers, e.g. log file parse script in eManager.

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Questa, like most simulation tools, has a built-in package that will interpret uvm_report_warning as $warning, uvm_report_error as $error, etc. If you do not use that built-in package, then all UVM reports are just simple $display statements. The severity of a failing assertion by default is error, but you can change that by putting a different severity task like $warning in the fail action block. The final TESTSTATUS of a simulation is determined by the most severe message issued during that simulation.

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On 6/13/2014 at 5:46 PM, dave_59 said:

Questa, like most simulation tools, has a built-in package that will interpret uvm_report_warning as $warning, uvm_report_error as $error, etc. If you do not use that built-in package, then all UVM reports are just simple $display statements. The severity of a failing assertion by default is error, but you can change that by putting a different severity task like $warning in the fail action block. The final TESTSTATUS of a simulation is determined by the most severe message issued during that simulation.

I am running a simulation with Questasim and the TESTSTATUS field only picks up the $error statements and returns a value of (2) but it does not detect the UVM_ERROR and it returns a value of (0). Do you have any idea why this could happen? I believe I am using the built in UVM package as I do not compile or include any other compiled UVM files.

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