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[not related to UVM, its an irun SV issue] a functional coverage problem.

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Hi Cadence Exports,

This issue does not related to UVM directly, however, still hope I can get some answer.

My problem is the following function coverage does not work (collected) when using without `define FIX.

1. it works with `define FIX, why?

2. it works when using Synopsys/VCS.

class abc;
  bit b;
  event e;
  covergroup cov @ e;
    cov_b: coverpoint b;
  endgroup: cov
  function new();
    cov = new();
  endfunction: new

modult top;
   abc a0;
  initail begin
    a0 = new();
   `ifdef FIX #0 `endif
    a0.i = 1;
    -> a0.e;
   `ifdef FIX #0 `endif
    a0 = null;
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Without the fix you've introduced a Verilog race condition (sampling trigger and subsequent sequential code could run in either order. I'd recommend you use the sample() function instead:

initial begin

a0 = new();

a0.b = 1;

//-> a0.e;


a0 = null;


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Thanks, this workaround works with the *W ECSSDM in ncvlog. however, I could not adopt this becuase it causes vcs compiling error.

Error-[sNACGWC] Illegal sample call for coverage. Covergroup having sampling event is not allowed to be sampled using the predefined task 'sample'.

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If you are going to use sample() then dont use @e as its more racy coding.

You might end up with unexpected results as the covergroup would be sampled when @e triggered and when .sample() was called.

The following should give you what you want and work well with all your tools.

class abc;
 bit b;
 event e;
 covergroup cov;
   cov_b: coverpoint b;
 endgroup: cov
 function new();
   cov = new();
 endfunction: new

module top;
  abc a0;
 initial begin
   a0 = new();
   a0.b = 1;
   a0 = null;


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