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[cadence] irun 10.20-s13 does not support uvm10p1?

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1. in ubus example:

unix> irun –uvmhome $(uvm10p1_path) –sv +incdir+../sv ubus_tb_top.sv +UVM_TESTNAME=test_2m_4s

ncsim: *F,NOFDPI: function uvm_hdl_deposit not found in any of the shared object specified with –SV_LIB switch

2. another question:

In which version will IUS replace the embedded UVM (-uvm) code from EA to 10?

please help and thanks!

Edited by SeanChou
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Hi SeanChou

UVM1.0p1 is supported from IES10.2s11 onwards, but you may need to compile an additional file on the command line in versions up to IES10.2s17


unix> irun –uvmhome $(uvm10p1_path) +incdir+../sv $(uvm10p1_path)/src/dpi/uvm_dpi.cc ubus_tb_top.sv +UVM_TESTNAME=test_2m_4s

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1. in ubus example:

unix> irun –uvmhome $(uvm10p1_path) –sv +incdir+../sv ubus_tb_top.sv +UVM_TESTNAME=test_2m_4s

ncsim: *F,NOFDPI: function uvm_hdl_deposit not found in any of the shared object specified with –SV_LIB switch

2. another question:

In which version will IUS replace the embedded UVM (-uvm) code from EA to 10?

please help and thanks!

to run uvm-1.0p1 with an open source version you need to add "$uvmhome/src/dpi/uvm_dpi.cc" to the commandline. please note that for the ius 10.20s40+(=10.20s17) you dont need the *.cc on the commandline if you use the embedded uvm release.


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Hi SeanChou,

Regarding #1 ,Please use the incisiv.10.20.015 , it works well for uvm10p1 example.

Regarding #2 ,As i know, incisiv.10.20.015 & UVC (VIPP92S06) are both based on EA.

UVC's as of today run with UVM10EA. UVM10EA is also the default when using '-uvm' which irun. if you want uvm10 you should add "-uvmhome `ncroot`/tool/uvm-1.0" to your cmdline

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