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Two grabbing sequences both win arbitration at the same time

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I'm working on upgrading to UVM 1.2 (from 1.1d).


I am seeing a case where multiple sequences have called a sequencer's grab(), they are both blocked waiting on a grab() done by an earlier sequence, and when that earlier sequence calls ungrab(), both of the waiting sequences unblock and their grab() calls complete.


I thought this shouldn't happen.  My understanding was that the grab ensured that only one grabbing sequence would win that arbitration until it ungrabbed.


Instrumenting the UVM code, I can see the grant_queued_locks() function calling m_set_arbitration_completed() for two sequences in a foreach loop.


Am I misunderstanding grab/ungrab or doing something wrong?






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No time to do a full-fledged test case but I think it could be described simply enough.


1) Sequence A locks a sequencer

2) Sequence B tries to lock the sequencer but the call to lock() doesn't return (presumably because sequence A has the sequencer locked)

3) Sequence C tries to lock the sequencer but the call to lock() doesn't return (presumably because sequence A has the sequencer locked)

4) Sequence A unlocks the sequencer

5) The call to lock() from sequences B and C both return

6) Sequences B and C both call start_item()

7) Sequences B and C hang because start_item() never completes for them


As I instrumented the UVM code to debug, there is code to clearly have a notion of a lock list suggesting that the idea of more than one sequence getting the lock is somehow supported but I don't understand that usage model.


It seems like a sequence can get the lock but still be "blocked".  


I ended up working around it by having the grabbing sequences do the following.  Not sure if this is what one is expected to do or if this is a robust solution so comments would be welcome.



while (is_blocked()) begin









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  • 1 year later...
Here's a simple case which shows 1.2 behavior:
  first,  a sequence gets a lock, then 2 more (unrelated) sequences request locks (1st sqr.print).
  then, the first sequence gives up it's lock, and both the other 2 sequences are granted locks (2nd sqr.print).
It appears uvm_sequencer_base.grant_queued_locks will push sequences on the lock_list without checking
if those sequences are blocked by sequences it previously pushed on the lock_list during the same call.  
(applies to grab or lock).
test code:
class Seq extends uvm_sequence;
  function new(string name=""); super.new(name); endfunction
program test;
  uvm_sequencer sqr = new("sqr", null);
  Seq seq1 = new("seq1"), seq2=new("seq2"), seq3=new("seq3");
  initial begin
      #2 sqr.unlock(seq1);
    #1 sqr.print;
    #2 sqr.print;
test code output:

Name Type Size Value
sqr uvm_sequencer - @335
rsp_export uvm_analysis_export - @344
seq_item_export uvm_seq_item_pull_imp - @462
arbitration_queue array 2 -
[0] string 20 SEQ_TYPE_LOCK@seqid2
[1] string 20 SEQ_TYPE_LOCK@seqid3
lock_queue array 1 -
[0] string 11 seq1@seqid1
num_last_reqs integral 32 'd1
num_last_rsps integral 32 'd1
Name Type Size Value
sqr uvm_sequencer - @335
rsp_export uvm_analysis_export - @344
seq_item_export uvm_seq_item_pull_imp - @462
arbitration_queue array 0 -
lock_queue array 2 -
[0] string 11 seq2@seqid2
[1] string 11 seq3@seqid3
num_last_reqs integral 32 'd1
num_last_rsps integral 32 'd1
$finish at simulation time 3

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  • 4 weeks later...

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