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Accessing Memory model from various sequences

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I need to use a common memory for 2 sequences. I have a memory defined as uvm_component and all the logic needed to build a memory and its parameterizable. This memory is placed in the sequencer so that the sequences can read/write to it and then drive request from the driver. This all works very well if I wanted to use memory per agent/sequence.


I want to now merge 2 sequences driving 2 different interfaces to use the same memory. I have tried the following ways

1) create the memory in TB, so sequences can write/read into. This is not possible as hierarchy is built in test, but when sequences are compiled it cannot find this hierarchy.

2) Cannot do uvm_config_db , as I cannot replace 2 memories from individual sequences to a common place in TB.

3) tried virtual sequence, but had to have 2 sequencers there to pass handles to these 2 lower sequencers. This would still mean 2 memories.

4) Made the sequences run on a single virtual sequencer, but that would not run as the driver widths are different so I would get error either on $cast as below.



Please let me know how to use single memory model across various sequences.


When I tried to run the lower sequences on same sequencer (just for using same memory). Here is the error I get. One sequencer data width is 128 and the other is 64. I have used $cast to cast one type of sequencer to the other and then run the sequence on the sequencer.


slave_memory_seq.start(kpEnv.sysSequencer.axi4_slave_sequencer, null); //128 bit sequence
//slave_memory_sram_seq.start(kpEnv.axi4_slave_agent_sram.m_sequencer, null);
slave_memory_sram_seq.start($cast (kpEnv.sysSequencer.axi4_slave_sram_sequencer, kpEnv.sysSequencer.axi4_slave_sequencer), null); //64 bit sequence.


Trying to use 1 sequencer (kpEnv.sysSequencer.axi4_slave_sequencer) which has the same memory so both sequences can share.


I get the following error
slave_memory_sram_seq.start($cast (kpEnv.sysSequencer.axi4_slave_sram_sequencer, kpEnv.sysSequencer.axi4_slave_sequencer), null);
ncelab: *E,TYCMPAT (./tb/tests/kp_base_test.sv,484|33): formal and actual do not have assignment compatible data types (expecting datatype compatible with 'class uvm_pkg::uvm_sequencer_base' but found 'integer' instead).


Is there any other way I could run 2 sequences on same sequencer (only purpose being to use the memory).



Thanks in advance!

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I think you're confused with what passing handles means. Passing a handle to a memory object does not mean that a new object is created. It still references the old object.

class tb_env extends uvm_env;
  some_memory_class memory;
  function void build_phase(...);
    // create your entire agents

    memory = some_memory_class::type_id::create("memory");
    // pass down handle to memory to sequencers
    uvm_config_db #(some_memory_class)::set(this, "agent1.sequencer", "memory", memory);
    uvm_config_db #(some_memory_class)::set(this, "agent2.sequencer", "memory", memory);


class some_sequencer extends uvm_sequencer;
  some_memory_class memory;

  function void build_phase(...);
    if(!uvm_config_db #(some_memory_class)::get(this, "", "memory", memory))
      `uvm_fatal("NOMEM", "Could not get handle to memory")

// same for some_other_sequencer

What I did in the code snippet (of the top of my head, not compilable) is create a memory in a central location inside the testbench env. I then pass it via the config_db to the sequencers. This way both of them see the same object. Previously, the OVM old set_config_object(...) functions had an extra parameter that could be used to clone an object, which is why you might be confused.

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the error tells what is wrong here:


>ncelab: *E,TYCMPAT (./tb/tests/kp_base_test.sv,484|33): formal and actual do not have assignment compatible data types (expecting datatype >compatible with 'class uvm_pkg::uvm_sequencer_base' but found 'integer' instead).


looking carefully at the mentioned code


slave_memory_sram_seq.start($cast (kpEnv.sysSequencer.axi4_slave_sram_sequencer, kpEnv.sysSequencer.axi4_slave_sequencer), null);


you see that where the sequencer should be (=1st arg) there is an expression returning an "int" - the $cast(). the first arg has to be a sequencer thing....



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Hi Tudor,

Thanks a lot for your reply!


Passing the handles I was meaning passing the handles from virtual sequencer to lower lever sequencers.


I tried what you had said earlier. I thought that the memories will be set/get into lower sequence from TB area. If the lower sequence is performing any updates, will that be done to the actual memory?


I get this error 

uvm_test_top.kpEnv.axi4_slave_agent_sram.sequencer0@@slave_sram_seq0 [DCLPSQ] axi4_uvc_slave_pkg::axi4_slave_base_virtual_seq.m_set_p_sequencer uvm_test_top.kpEnv.axi4_slave_agent_sram.sequencer0.slave_sram_seq0 Error casting p_sequencer, please verify that this sequence/sequence item is intended to execute on this type of sequencer
Basically base sequence :axi4_slave_base_virtual_seq (has a different p_sequencer with 128 b memory). However extended class (slave_sram_seq0) from :axi4_slave_base_virtual_seq is running on a different p_sequencer (locally defined in the extended class). I think that is fine and it should have its own local p_sequencer and not the base class p_sequencer right?
Can you please let me know this error.
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In many programing languages, a handle is a term used for an opaque pointer. It is opaque in the sense that you cannot see or manipulate the value of a handle, you can only see what it references. Conversely, a pointer can be manipulated to point to other object by incrementing or decrementing it. You can also convert it to an integer representing a memory address.

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