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Everything posted by uwes

  1. hi, isnt the classtype::method() only valid for static members?
  2. use pack_bytes instead of pack
  3. hi, why not module test187; import uvm_pkg::*; `include "uvm_macros.svh" class ac extends uvm_object; rand bit[3:0]a; rand bit[121:0]b; rand bit[162:122]c; rand bit[511:163]d; `uvm_object_utils_begin(ac) `uvm_field_int(a,UVM_DEFAULT) `uvm_field_int(b,UVM_DEFAULT) `uvm_field_int(c,UVM_DEFAULT) `uvm_field_int(d,UVM_DEFAULT) `uvm_object_utils_end function new (string name=""); super.new(name); endfunction endclass class bc extends uvm_object; rand bit[511:0]field; `uvm_object_utils(bc) function new (string name=""); super.new(name); endfunction endclass initial begin ac ma = new; bc mb = new; bit d[]; ma.pack(d); $display({>>{d}}); end endmodule
  4. hi, the path would be to define a new object deriving from uvm_object holding the additional properties. a configured instance can then be passed via the <uvm_reg>.write/read/update/mirror function in the "extension" argument. in the reg-to-bus adapter.reg2bus() translation stage you can refer to the passed object as "get_item().extension" and you can adjust the properties of your low level sequence.
  5. hi, no-one is objecting the end-of-main phase. therefore the phase tasks of your agents (especially the one of main_phase) are killed shortly after starting.
  6. why not simply randomize an instance of a uvm_reg_data_t and constrain it to have at most n bits (or simply randomize full and mask the reset away) ?
  7. what about the following path: (better then the _decl macros) ----- class listener #(type E,T) extends uvm_subscriber #(T); local int idx; function new(string name, E parent,int idx); super.new(name,parent); this.idx=idx; endfunction // new function void write(input T t); E p; $cast(p,parent); p.writeit(t,idx) endfunction endclass then make your array of subscribers and new it with the idx. /uwe
  8. hi, if im not mistaken 10.20s100+ runs fine with uvm11a
  9. IUS92 supports process and virtual classes BUT UVM11 has not been qualified on IUS92 (there are known issues). >Is there any method to make IUS92 sim uvm1.1 obviously you could backport, create workarounds but what for?, the world has turned since 9.2 - you got the 10.20 stream or the more recent 11.10 stream and soon the 12.10stream which all run UVM10+. if you want latest UVM you should be also using the latest simulator :-)
  10. members labeled m_* are typically fields/tasks/functions which should be considered internal/implementation dependent and are not part of the UVM standard. they are subject to change at any time without notice or deprecation process. no user code should be using any m_* coming from the uvm_pkg. the standard+library reference also should not have references to any m_* field/member. why is that: the reason for this is that sv doesnt have "friend" modifiers like c++ has (http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/inheritance/). basically the externally visible api of a sv class is the same for ALL other classes. you cant distinguish between code which can access certain members and classes which cannot access certain members.
  11. i still would bet that this is simply an invocation issue. if this is a script switch on command trace (set verbose or set -x) if this is a make (make -n). also double check that the option preceeding +UVM_TESTNAME=foo is not an option taking an arg and you didnt supply that arg (if so +UVM_TESTNAME=foo becomes the arg to the ius invocation option) /uwe
  12. please supply more details or file a ccr with cadence support.im not aware of issues in that area. please check for any other messages (such as disabled DPI) or scripting issues.
  13. yes, i know - however it gives a string "my_test" which can be used as the type key in the factory (unless as you say there are multiple specializations)
  14. the shortcut for the code above is: `uvm_component_registry(my_test#(item_t, NUM_ANALYSIS_PORTS), "my_test")
  15. you have to supply a reference to a sequencer as first arg to seq.start and not a sequence-ref nor a string.
  16. yes, basically you got two options: 1. a local flag identifying correct super.function usage (set when super.function is invoked, checked when used) 2. use a linter which is capable to check super.function invocation /uwe
  17. hi, you cant refer to parameterized class via a string type name directly.there are several ways to resolve that. 1. you could register a string name for the param type in the factory 2. you could create a non-param test class instantiating your param test class and then use the non-param class with +UVM_TESTNAME 3. you could derive a non-param class from your param class and reference that /uwe
  18. well, there are several causes: - you have a typo and didnt use +UVM_TESTNAME=test_name on the commandline - your test with the name "test_name" is not present (different name or typo) or has not been registered with the factory - you didnt compile the class test_name (forgot to compile/include)
  19. uvm doesnt allow time being spend before run_test(). anything between run_test() and run_phase() basically builds the static infrastructure/topology - then real wall clock time is spend with the created instances. so please describe your use model and i'm this also fits into the uvm infrastructure
  20. that is an SV limitation around parameterized types. what might work as a workaround is to look at get_type_name() or $typename() and trying to extract the typename from it. /uwe
  21. i assume you cant push references to dynamic objects into the fsdb - with simvision (the native ius graphical frontend) you can. /uwe
  22. hi, either - use the config_db so your sequencer starts the sequence you want - start the sequence manually from the appropriate phase hooks inside new_env - $cast your env to the new_env type if its a new_env, then start the sequence /uwe
  23. we can clarify if only committee members can file mantis items. in the meantime please raise any suspicious behaviour here in the uvmworld forums. the forums are monitored by committee members which have in the past filed mantis items on the posters behalf. /uwe
  24. i believe you have to be registered on the mantis site to submit mantis items.i dont think anonymous mantis items are supported
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