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Can Systemc compile once, run everywhere?

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Everyone, I have download SC on github and compile install on el7 which runs well. I want to use formmer compile SC result and copy the sc.a and include to my new el8 OS.

However, I get undefined error on new OS.

../include/systemc/sysc/datatypes/int/sc_uint_base.h:848: undefined referece to `sc_dt::sc_uint_base::to_string() const`


Here's my quenction, can we reuse the compile result of other OS? 

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Usually this does not work. There are quite a few dependenies to OS and compiler libraries which prevent this. If you build systemc as a shared library there is some chance to get it work.

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Hello @Allen yang,

As responded by @Eyck, it might work. But I would not recommend it.

You might hit issues due to incompatibilities in OS, system libraries, compiler generated output, etc.

You might get very hard to debug issues or random simulation crashes.

It's better to recompile for the target platform if you can to have a chance of better compatibility.



Ameya Vikram Singh

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