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Purpose of uvm_reg_map::backdoor() and Related Warning with Backdoor Write of UVM_MEM

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I recently came upon an issue where attempting to write a memory via a backdoor yields a warning similar to the following:

"reporter [RegModel] Memory 'tst_reg_blk.test_mem' is not contained within map 'Backdoor' (called from get_access())"

In addition to the warning, it appears that due rw.map being overwritten (as explained in the second link), Read-Only memories can be written to via the backdoor, since get_access end up returning the default value of "RW".  This appears to be in conflict with the Spec:

Quote write


The write may be performed using either front-door or back-door operations (as defined by path). If back
door is specified, the effect of writing the memory through a physical access is mimicked. For example,
read-only memory will remain unchanged.

Researching this warning turned up a couple prior forum posts from 2014:



Neither of which had an associated answer.


 I came up with a test case to reproduce the warning:

// Backdoor accesses to a UVM_MEM that is a member of more than 1 map
// causes a UVM_WARNING that that the memory is not contained within
// the 'Backdoor' register map.
// This appears to happen due to the uvm_mem::Xcheck_accessX call in
// uvm_mem::do_write, which replaces rw.map with the pseudo-map 'Backdoor'.
// This replacement precedes the get_access(rw.map) call later in do_write. 
// The warning is generated when map membership is checked in get_local_map
// which is called from get_access in the case that there is > 1 maps to
// which the memory belongs.
// Below is a test case that reproduces the warning, as well as a workaround
// that replaces the overwritten map (if WORKAROUND is defined).

package test_pkg;
  import uvm_pkg::*;
  `include "uvm_macros.svh"

   typedef class basic_test;
   typedef class test_env;
   typedef class test_reg_block;
   typedef class test_mem_class;
  // Test
  class basic_test extends uvm_test;
    test_env env;
    //---- New Function ----
    function new(string name = "basic_test", uvm_component parent);
      super.new(name, parent);
    endfunction : new
    //---- Build Phase ----
    function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
      env = test_env::type_id::create("env", this);
    //---- Run Phase ----
    virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
      uvm_reg_data_t data   = 'hA5;
      uvm_reg_addr_t offset = 'h0000;
      uvm_status_e   status; 
      phase.raise_objection(this, "Starting Test");

      `uvm_info(get_type_name(), "Got into Test Run_Phase.", UVM_LOW)
      `uvm_info(get_type_name(), $sformatf("Writing 0x%h.", data), UVM_LOW) 
      //This causes a warning if WORKAROUND is not defined
      data = 'h0;
      //Warning does not occur on read
      env.tst_reg_blk.test_mem.read( .status(status),
      `uvm_info(get_type_name(), $sformatf("Read 0x%h.", data), UVM_LOW)
      phase.drop_objection(this, "Test Is Done");
    endtask : run_phase
  // Basic Environment
  class test_env extends uvm_env;
    test_reg_block tst_reg_blk;
    //---- New Function ----
    function new(input string name, input uvm_component parent=null);
    //---- Build Phase ----
    function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
       tst_reg_blk = test_reg_block::type_id::create("tst_reg_blk");
    endfunction : build_phase
  // Register Block Class
  class test_reg_block extends uvm_reg_block;  
    uvm_reg_map    test_reg_map;
    uvm_reg_map    test_reg_map_2;
    test_mem_class test_mem;
    //---- New Function ----
    function new(input string name="test_reg_block");
    endfunction // new
    //Create Map, Add/Configure Memory, Lock Model
     function void setup();
      test_reg_map = create_map("test_reg_map", 'h00000000, 4, 
                                UVM_LITTLE_ENDIAN, .byte_addressing(0));
      test_reg_map_2 = create_map("test_reg_map", 'h00000000, 4, 
                                  UVM_LITTLE_ENDIAN, .byte_addressing(0));
      test_mem = test_mem_class::type_id::create("test_mem", , get_full_name());
      test_mem.configure(this, "rtl_mem");
      test_reg_map.add_mem( .mem(test_mem),
                            .offset (32'h00000000),
                            .rights ("RO"),
  			                      .unmapped (0));
      test_reg_map_2.add_mem( .mem(test_mem),
                              .offset (32'h00000000),
                              .rights ("RO"),
  			                        .unmapped (0));
    endfunction // setup
  // Register Block Class
  class test_mem_class extends uvm_mem;
    //---- New Function ----
    function new(input string name="test_mem_class");
      super.new(.name(name), .size(16), .n_bits(8), .access("RW"), 
    endfunction // new

    //---- Bug Workaround ----
    // Override the do_write task grab a local copy of the map.
    // Then override pre_write (which occurs after Xcheck_accessX)
    // to reassign the map with the local copy in the case of a
    // backdoor access. 
    // An actual fix would involve changing the behaviour of
    // Xcheck_accessX, which is non-virtual.
    `ifdef WORKAROUND
    protected uvm_reg_map backup_map;
    virtual task do_write (uvm_reg_item rw);
      backup_map = rw.map;
    virtual task pre_write (uvm_reg_item rw);
      if(rw.path == UVM_BACKDOOR) begin
        if(backup_map == null)
          rw.map = rw.local_map;
          rw.map = backup_map;
endpackage : test_pkg

// Basic TB
module test_tb();
  import uvm_pkg::*;
  import test_pkg::*;
  `include "uvm_macros.svh"
  reg [7:0] rtl_mem [16];
  initial run_test("basic_test");


I was able to come up with a work-around, but I feel that I am missing something.


What is the actual purpose of uvm_reg_map::backdoor()? What is it's intended use case? Given that it has no parent block (thus not allowing memories or registers to be added), I do not know how it could be used. 

Thank you in advance for considering my question.

//----------------- Edit ------------------------

I realized after the fact that this is a pre-IEEE issue. I Don't know if the topic can be moved to the correct forum.

However, the question still stands; what is the intended purpose of the Backdoor pseudo-map?

Edited by markeduda
Request to move thread.
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I think that yours issues was fixed in new UVM 1800.2-2017


Note that UVM do not support 8 bits wide memories mapped into map with 32 bits word when byte addressing is off

you will got on 1800.2:

KERNEL: UVM_WARNING uvm_reg_map.svh(1558) @ 0: reporter [UVM/REG/ADDR] this version of UVM does not properly support memories with a smaller word width than the enclosing map. map tst_reg_blk.test_reg_map has n_bytes=4 aub=4 while the mem has get_n_bytes 1. multiple memory words fall into one bus address. if that happens memory addressing will be unpacked.

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