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UVM Sequencer base class - Virtual task using local class variables - bad coding style?

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I see uvm_sequencer_base::wait_for_grant (UVM 1.1d) is a virtual task but accesses a local int g_request_id - is this not a bad coding style? If I were to override this virtual method for debug with much of the code intact tool throws an error for his local bar in a derived SQR class. I extended a SQR class and copied all the code for wait_for_grant and started tweaking - couldn't proceed with that debug due to this member being local. Should it be protected instead of local?


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normally there is nothing bad with the fact to access a local member from a virtual function/task. functionality should be exposed via functions/tasks and never via member fields. in that sense opening the access to the local implementation detail g_request_id would be the wrong solution. the right course of action would be to encapsulate the static member g_request_id into an atomic accessor like in java AtomicInteger::incrementAndGet() and expose that in the base class instead. 

in this particular situation you can probably use an own id generator instead....




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