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Print from UVM Library

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Hi All,

Internal prints from UVM library are not in Sync with other prints. e.g. the UVM_ERROR print in log below (For Questa 10.0a running on windows) is out of sync as it displays the complete path of file from which print comes (that too without '/'):


# RCDocumentsUVMuvmsrc/base/uvm_phases.svh(1860) @ 1000: reporter [PH_TIMEOUT] Phase timeout of 1000 hit, phase 'run' ready to end

# UVM_WARNING @ 1000: run [OBJTN_CLEAR] Object 'common.run' cleared objection counts for run

Is there to way to modify the display so that all prints look alike.



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If you have C code, printing directly to the console or standard error. You could modify it to call a dpi exported SV function and print those messages through UVM as well. This would fix the synchronization and allow you to take advantage of filtering and counting in UVM.

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package my_pkg;

import uvm_pkg::*;
`include "uvm_macros.svh"

import "DPI-C" context function void c_hello();

export "DPI-C" function my_uvm_report_info;

function void my_uvm_report_info( string src, string msg, int line=0, string file="" );
  uvm_report_info( src, msg, line, file );


#include "svdpi.h" 
void c_hello() {
  my_uvm_report_info( "c_hello", "Hello World!", __LINE__, __FILE__ );

Calling c_hello from UVM gives:

UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test my_test...

UVM_INFO /export/home/jadec/test/uvm/dpi_msg/c_hello.c(0) @ 0: reporter [c_hello] Hello World!

UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_done [TEST_DONE] All end_of_test objections have been dropped. Calling global_stop_request()

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There is nothing like non UVM, the prints that are out of sync are from the UVM library


# RCDocumentsUVMuvmsrc/base/uvm_phases.svh(1860) @ 1000: reporter [PH_TIMEOUT] Phase timeout of 1000 hit, phase 'run' ready to end

The issue is that it does not display the path properly (i.e. path is without '/')

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Windows uses backslashes for the path, but most tools will let you use forward slashes instead (which may provide a workaround).

UVM internally just uses `__FILE__ macro so this is probably an issue with how the simulator handles the filename. You can also disable the filename display entirely using defines: UVM_REPORT_DISABLE_FILE_LINE or UVM_REPORT_DISABLE_FILE during UVM compile.

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Hi R_C

Seems like a possible bug in the UVM report_server that can't handle windows path separators..

If jadec's option to exclude the filename is not sufficient, you could try replacing the default report server with a custom implementation. This would allow you to detect & convert any problematic data for the report print..

class custom_server extends uvm_report_server;
    static bit initialized = init();

    static function bit init();
      uvm_report_global_server glob = new;
      custom_server mysrv = new;

    virtual function string compose_message( uvm_severity severity, string name, string id, string message, string filename, int    line);
     uvm_severity_type sev = uvm_severity_type'(severity);
     return { "# ", sev.name(), " (", filename, ") ", name, ": [", id, "]: ", message };

Note that the static init() function is enough to set the mysrv instance of custom_server as the global report server.

All reports will now use the compose_message() function to create a string to be used in the report. The code in this example is simple - take a look at the default implementation in uvm_report_server.svh under src/base for a better example - but you should be able to use basic string processing to get the output you need..

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You can pass a filename directly to UVM:

uvm_report_info( get_type_name(), "build", UVM_MEDIUM, "my\\bad\\nfile", 123 ); // NOTE: SV syntax requires escaping the backslash

UVM prints it correctly:

UVM_INFO my\bad\nfile(123) @ 0: uvm_test_top [my_test] build

So the filename string is likely getting corrupted before that.

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yes thats the only problem. I am running simulation on windows (Questa 10.0a), can this be a reason?

the issue is that in sv a backslash is a special character. the windows filename "c:\foo\some\name" is just "c:" + "\f" + "oo" + "\s" + "ome" +"\n" + "ame". which results only for "\n" in a line break the other escape like sequences are ignored (are just "f" "s").

module test78;

ncsim> run
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.

btw: java for instance checks and allows only some characters to be prefixed by "\"

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But in this case UVM, isn't including the filename directly (nor is the user), it's using `__FILE__ macro. Special characters in the filename should be properly escaped so the resulting string is correct (especially ones common for the OS).

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