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emacs auto-indent for verilog-mode messes up when 'class' used as other than SV keyword

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Emacs auto-indent for verilog-mode messes up when 'class' is used other than as an SV keyword.

   xyz.field1 = 1;
   xyz.field2 = 2;
   xyz.class =  3;
      xyz.field3 = 4;
Because the property name of an object (with instance name xyz above) is named "class", it screws up indentation.
Is anyone here involved with Verilog/SV-mode for emacs or savvy enough to know how to resolve this?
(Yes, this is perhaps on the wrong forum completely, but I think this likely would affect many users and is the most appropriate section of this forum.)
From my .emacs file:
;; Mac's Verilog Mode
(defun prepend-path ( my-path )
  (setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name my-path) load-path)))
(defun append-path ( my-path )
  (setq load-path (append load-path (list (expand-file-name my-path)))))
;; Look first in the elisp directory which is ...
(prepend-path "~/elisp")
;; Load verilog mode only when needed
(autoload 'verilog-mode "verilog-mode" "Verilog mode" t )
;; Any files that end in .__ should be in verilog mode ...
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons  '("\\.v\\'"    . verilog-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons  '("\\.vh\\'"   . verilog-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons  '("\\.hv\\'"   . verilog-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons  '("\\.sv\\'"   . verilog-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons  '("\\.svh\\'"   . verilog-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons  '("\\.lib\\'"  . verilog-mode) auto-mode-alist))
;; Any files in verilog mode should have their keywords colorized
(add-hook 'verilog-mode-hook '(lambda () (font-lock-mode 1)))

;; User customization for Verilog mode
(setq verilog-indent-level                3
      verilog-indent-level-module         3
      verilog-indent-level-declaration    3
      verilog-indent-level-behavioral     3
      verilog-case-indent                 2
      verilog-auto-newline                0
      verilog-auto-indent-on-newline      t
      verilog-tab-always-indent           t
      verilog-auto-endcomments            t
      verilog-minimum-comment-distance    0
      verilog-indent-begin-after-if       t
      verilog-auto-lineup                 '(all))

After writing this, I posted on the correct forum, but will still post this one, to serve as a pointer to a great tool, verilog-mode.



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keywords are keywords - you cant use them for identifiers. even if the language would support that it is nothing which helps to survive in your project.even if you find a tool which does that its very likely the next tool down the road will refuse to handle it.


small example:


typedef typedef; // forward define of a class typedef 

typedef foo; // is this an instance now(of the type typedef) or a forward typedef of foo ?

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After further investigation.....


1) The offending code was generated from a non-SystemVerilog spec file

2) The offending code was CLASS, not class.    The original example might have been more clear.  I just retyped it rather than pasting the original offending code.  As you can see, I hadn't tested the variable of uppercase/lowercase.


*)  I learned (remembered) SystemVerilog is case-sensitive.   I learned from SV Spec 1800-2012.pdf section 5.6.2, Keywords:  "All keywords are defined in lowercase only."


*) The tool, correctly, does not issue an error or warning when uppercase is used.  (When lowercase is used, an error is issued, as expected.)   Emacs verilog-mode seems to be caps-insensitive, so had the 'error' in indentation when a non-keyword (CLASS in this case) is used.


*) So, my original example masked the issue, as I incorrectly removed capitalization.  Sorry for the confusion.  And I agree completely with the verilog-mode folks' (and uwes') warning about keywords (and even close-to-keywords, I'll add) being used.


1) I'll point out to the verilog-mode folks the case issue I had and perhaps they will change their code.

2) I'll talk with our team about how we might avoid keywords across multiple languages in our generated code.


I've learned a bunch from this small indentation issue that had been nagging me.

thanks, all.
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