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Can uvm_config_db config event type variable?

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Hi experts,

I am now using uvm_config_db to config event variable, but encountering such a compiling error. The piece of codes and compiling error are listed as follow:


File1: tb_top.sv


event event_tmp;

uvm_config_db#(event)::set(uvm_root::get(), "*", "event_tmp", event_tmp);


File2: config_monitor.sv


event event_tmp;

uvm_config_db#(event)::get(this, "", "event_tmp", event_tmp);


Compiling error:

Error-[sE] Syntax error

Following verilog source has syntax error :

"../sv_for_tmptest/02_master/config/config_monitor.sv", 67: token

is 'event'

uvm_config_db#(event)::get(this, "", "event_tmp", event_tmp);

If i change the event keyword to int keyword, the compiling error disappears.

Does uvm_config_db cann't config event type variable?


Edited by mrforever
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