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I am unable to retrieve associative array from config database. Here is what I tried.

class sample extends uvm_object;

int a;


class ex_sample extends uvm_component;

typedef bit[3:0] addr;

sample s_obj[addr];

function build_phase(uvm_phase phase);





ERROR:: "formal and actual do not have assignment compatible data types"

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s_obj is an associative array of sample handles, yet your config_db is parametrized by only a single sample handle. Try using a typedef

typedef bit[3:0] addr_t;

typedef sample s_obj_aa_t[addr_t];

s_obj_aa_t s_obj_aa;

function build_phase(uvm_phase phase);



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Thanks Dave for the response. I wrap my associative array inside one class and they put into uvm_config_db. That is working. Still, I will change to the solution you have provided.

I have one more question. I believe uvm_config_db#(type)::set(this,"*","handle",handle) will be visible to all the components down to the hierarchy from current level(this to "*"). Is it possible to get this handle on upper layer. Will uvm_root::get as "cntxt" will solve the issue?

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