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How can all opposing objections be printed

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yes you can do that. you need to iterate over all domains, all phase-nodes, then get the objection object of that phase node and then finally you can invoke <objection>.display_objections() to print the info. if you use a recent IUS you can use the tcl command "uvm_objection" to do that.


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yes you can do that. you need to iterate over all domains, all phase-nodes, then get the objection object of that phase node and then finally you can invoke <objection>.display_objections() to print the info. if you use a recent IUS you can use the tcl command "uvm_objection" to do that.


How do you get a handle to a container of all the domains?

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Hello McPall,

Inside your test add the following piece of "debug code":

task apb_test_1::dbg_eot(uvm_phase phase);

forever begin : fe



end : fe

endtask : dbg_eot

And fork off this task from main_phase. In Questa on a sample hang scenario I get:

# The total objection count is 1

# ---------------------------------------------------------

# Source Total

# Count Count Object

# ---------------------------------------------------------

# 0 1 uvm_top

# 0 1 uvm_test_top

# 0 1 env_0

# 0 1 agent0

# 1 1 monitor

# ---------------------------------------------------------


Ajeetha, CVC


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the simple

>task apb_test_1::dbg_eot(uvm_phase phase);

>forever begin : fe



>end : fe

>endtask : dbg_eot

doesnt really help since "phase" might not be the active phase anymore.

i did use the following solution which gives you all pending objections in all domains/phases (despite of the phase we are in) and the set of phases.


692 uvm_domain domains[string];

693 uvm_phase phases[$];

694 uvm_domain::get_domains(domains);

695 foreach (domains) begin

696 domains.m_get_transitive_children(phases);

697 phases=phases.find(item) with (item.get_phase_type()==UVM_PHASE_NODE && item.get_domain()==domains);

698 phases=cdns_array_utils#(uvm_phase)::unique_(phases);


700 foreach(phases[j]) begin

701 uvm_objection o;

702 o = phases[j].get_objection();

703 if(!(doFilter==1 && o.get_objection_total()==0)) begin

704 $display($sformatf("objections to uvm_objection \"%s\"",o.get_full_name()));

705 o.display_objections(, 1);

706 end

707 end

708 end

709 end

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I just came across this. I've never used it but it looks like this might provide the answer:

function void get_objectors( ref uvm_object list[$] )

Returns the current list of objecting objects (objects that raised an objection but have not dropped it).

You should then be able to run display_objection() on each element in the list.



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