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I have three files:


#ifndef hello_h
#define hello_h
#include <systemc.h>

  Hello(sc_core::sc_module_name nm); //< Constructor
  void end_of_elaboration(void); //< Processes
  void Hello_thread(void); //< Processes
  virtual ~Hello(); //< Destructor


#include "hello.h"
#include <systemc.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace sc_core;

// Constructor <<
Hello::Hello(sc_module_name nm)
: sc_module(nm)
  cout << "Constructing "
       << name() << endl;

void Hello::end_of_elaboration(void) { //< callback
  cout << "End of elaboration" << endl;

void Hello::Hello_thread(void) { //< Process
  cout << "Hello World!" << endl;

Hello::~Hello() { //< Destructor
  cout << "Destroy " << name() << endl;


#include "hello.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
using namespace sc_core;

int sc_main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
  Hello top_i("top_i");
  cout << "Starting" << endl;
  cout << "Exiting" << endl;
  return 0;
}//end main

When I run them using


g++    -c -o main.o main.cc
g++    -c -o hello.o hello.cc
cc -o hello main.o hello.o -lsystemc -lstdc++ -lm

I got this output:


Constructing top_i
End of elaboration
Hello World!
Destroy top_i

I wonder how is the "end_of_elaboration" and what does the SC_HAS_PROCESS() does. I have tried to Google it but it seems like there is no any helpful answer.


Thank you.


You should consult the language reference manual IEEE1666-2011. It is explaned there...

SC_HAS_PROCESS declares that the module has some processes  - essential it defines a name to be use later.

end_of_elaboration is one of the simulation phases. The simulation kernel calls this function for each module to allow some setup, initialization and alike before starting a simulation. There are more of them, you will find the declaration in include/sysc/kernel/sc_module.h of your SystemC installation


To add a bit more to @Eyck:

SC_THREAD specifies the type and name of your SystemC process, but requires SC_HAS_PROCESS to provide a critical bit of information.

Alternately, you could have replaced those two lines with:

sc_core::sc_spawn( std::bind(&Hello::Hello_thread,this) );

For SC_METHOD style processes, the answer is similar, but more complicated when using sc_spawn.

Last, I recommend against include "systemc.h". You are better off using <systemc>.

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