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Access properties of calling Module in Interface


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Hi there,

i'm currently building a host-compiled cpu/os simulator in systemC.

I therefore have defined an OS interface like this:

class OS_API : virtual public sc_core::sc_interface
    virtual void task_create() = 0;
    virtual void task_end() = 0;
    virtual void CPU_WAIT_TIME(double t) = 0;

And implemented it using:

class RTOS : public sc_core::sc_module, public OS_API
    sc_core::sc_export<OS_API> os_export{"os_export"};

    RTOS() : sc_core::sc_module(sc_core::sc_gen_unique_name("RTOS"))
    // from OS API
    void task_create() override;
    void task_end() override;
    void CPU_WAIT_TIME(double t) override;


So i use this whole interface / channel design in the Tasks, that are supposed to be scheduled.

I defined the abstract task like this:

enum State

struct TCB
    sc_core::sc_event wakeup_event;
    int pid;
    State state;

class OS_Task : public sc_core::sc_module
    OS_Task(sc_core::sc_module_name name_);

    sc_core::sc_port<OS_API> os{"os"};

    struct TCB tcb;

    virtual void run() = 0;

and then i have a subclass that actually implements the task:

class Hello1 : public OS_Task
    Hello1() : OS_Task("Hello1"){};

    virtual void run()
        cout << "running Task Hello1 \n";
        for (size_t i = 0; i < 20; i++)
            cout << "hello from 1: " << i << "\n";


My question is, how can I access the callers information (OS_Task or its subclass Hello1) in the RTOS that implements the interface?

Specifically i need access to the callers TCB struct so i can put it to sleep, and the be able to wake it up later (from the RTOS)

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The simplest solution would be to pass a pointer (or reference) to OS_Task or the TCB with task_create() and task_end(). A forward declaration alogn with the OS_API class should be sufficient.

I don't know your requirements but it seems to me that your use of sc_module is sub-optimal for the purpose of modeling OS tasks. The reason is simple: you cannot create or delete sc_module after the elaboration phase. And OS tasks tend to be dynamic... So sc_object and sc_spawn might be a better solution.

I assume that task_create() and task_end() always surround the behavior of a task. So why not move them into the OS_Task itself? If you pass then the TCB as pointer or by reference you could encapsulate the entire stuff of task handling in the OS_task class...

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