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Calling a print method through the message APIs


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Is it possible to control when the print method of an object is called through the message APIs e.g. 'uvm_info? For example I want to print out the contents of the transaction received by the driver but only when debugging my code. Thus I would like to be able to do the following:

`uvm_info("",$sformatf("Verbosity is %s", tx.print), UVM_DEBUG);

Obviously this does not work. I also tried accessing the enumerated type that UVM_DEBUG belongs to (uvm_verbosity) but it does not look like I can access it. It is possible I trued to access it incorrectly as I did not provide any hierarchical path to it or anything like that.

if (uvm_verbosity == UVM_DEBUG)


Anyway what would be the best approach to achieve what I would like to achieve? Should I specify "UVM_NOPRINT" for all the properties in my transaction and then write a do_print function where I print the properties using uvm_info instead?



Edited by tzar
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uvm_report_enabled is method of uvm_report_object and so is available in uvm_component, but not in uvm_transaction or uvm_sequence_item

so in case where you want to print something based on verbosity, there seems to be no way, except you define a function that converts all your prints to a string and returns string...

For example, a sequence item has a payload (dynamic array) of size 1-1000 . Obviously, one would not want to print the whole array every time, but only when verbosity is UVM_DEBUG or UVM_FULL.

one way to do this is

foreach (payload[j]) begin
  `uvm_info(get_type_name(), $sformatf("payload[%d] = 0x%h",j, payload[j]),UVM_FULL)

but this would print uvm-message tag in every line and is ugly.. What one would want to do is something like, what we can do for uvm_component .i.e.

from within do_print method of transaction.....
if (uvm_report_enabled(UVM_FULL)) begin
   foreach (data[i]) begin

How can that be done ?

I hope, this is what original user wanted to ask.

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all messaging is done through the context. this is either the component you are in OR via the global context which routes the msg to uvm_root. this means you simply have to pick a component and use uvm_report_enabled(). for a sequence you can use the get_sequencer() for a transaction you could choose anything applicable.if you dont know your real context you may use uvm_root.


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Two questions here:

1) How do I know the context for a uvm_transaction that is flowing through multiple components.(note I do not want to use components uvm_report_enabled() function for a reason.

2) Curious to know, what type of problems could be created if uvm_transaction is extended of uvm_report_object instead of uvm_object in uvm ?

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