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Problem with *_report_*_action and UVM_COUNT

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I am having issues with the set/get_report_*_action - specficially, I can not disable ID based message counts. ID based message counts appear in the report summary at the end of test:

UVM_INFO :   12
UVM_ERROR :    0
UVM_FATAL :    0
RNTST :    1
TEST_ID :    1
report_server_test_vehicle :    8
test_vehicle :    2

I have a custom report server, and am using a simple UVM component to for testing. I checked the 1.1 BCL and didn't see how to make it work based on the API.

task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
$display("\n   o Test ID Actions\n");

count = my_report_server.get_id_count(get_type_name());

`uvm_info(get_type_name(), "Report ID Action for TEST_ID set to UVM_DISPLAY - no count incremented for this ID", UVM_LOW)

set_report_id_action(get_type_name(), UVM_DISPLAY);
`uvm_info(get_type_name(), $psprintf("TEST_ID UVM_COUNT was %0d and is now %0d", count, my_report_server.get_id_count(get_type_name())), UVM_LOW)
`uvm_info(get_type_name(), $psprintf("TEST_ID UVM_COUNT was %0d and is now %0d", count, my_report_server.get_id_count(get_type_name())), UVM_LOW)


In the output, you see the id counter incrementing unexpectedly as only UVM_DISPLAY is set as the action for the ID (get_type_name()).

o Test ID Actions

UVM_INFO : 0.000      ns : report_server_test_vehicle     : Report ID Action for TEST_ID set to UVM_DISPLAY - no count incremented for this ID(...test_vehicle)
UVM_INFO : 0.000      ns : report_server_test_vehicle     : TEST_ID UVM_COUNT was 5 and is now 6                        (...test_vehicle)
UVM_INFO : 0.000      ns : report_server_test_vehicle     : TEST_ID UVM_COUNT was 5 and is now 7                        (...test_vehicle)

The report handler state dump is:

report handler state dump

|   Verbosities   |

max verbosity level =         200
*** verbosities by id

*** verbosities by id and severity

|   actions   |

*** actions by severity

*** actions by id
[report_server_test_vehicle] --> DISPLAY 

*** actions by id and severity

|    files    |

default file handle =           0

*** files by severity
UVM_INFO =           0
UVM_WARNING =           0
UVM_ERROR =           0
UVM_FATAL =           0

*** files by id

*** files by id and severity
report server state

|   counts    |

max quit count =     0
quit count =     0
UVM_INFO :   12
UVM_ERROR :    0
UVM_FATAL :    0
RNTST :    1
TEST_ID :    1
report_server_test_vehicle :    8
test_vehicle :    2

Thanks for any help you can give.

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The action UVM_COUNT is not really whether to count, but whether to stop on count reaching max_quit_count.

I read the reference manual again, and the uvm_report_object class describes the following actions:

Actions can be set for (in increasing priority) severity, id, and (severity,id) pair. They include output to the screen UVM_DISPLAY, whether the message counters should be incremented UVM_COUNT, and whether a $finish should occur UVM_EXIT.

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That's not what the code does (from AVM->OVM->UVM). It counts messages of all report IDs. Does there really need to be a way to control counting of messages separate from stopping on reaching max_quit_count?

No you are right - I was in a hurry and meant to say that perhaps there should be a clarification in the reference manual. The UVM_COUNT does not control any counts as shown in the report summary, rather it controls the enabling of the max quit counter. I am not sure how to file documentation request on the mantis web page though....

Thanks for your help.

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