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Timed and Untimed modules coexistence

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I am working on a project in which I have a SC_MODULE running a SC_METHOD that is sensitive to clock.pos(). I also have an untime SC_MODULE running a SC_THREAD which monitors multiple sc_fifos through which it reads data from different entities (in my case I have several robots sending packets to this modules using sc_fifos).

Since I have multiple sc_fifos (10 in my case), I use this code to trigger the packet processing:


for(int i=0;i<10;i++){


cout << "Packet received from Robot " << i << "\n";

// processing




I noticed that if I do so, the SC_MODULE that is sensitive to the clock is never triggered. My guess is that with this infinite loop, the thread never suspends and time doesn't pass.

How can I have a SC_THREAD to monitor several sc_fifos and at the same time having other clock-sensitive SC_MODULES evolve?

Thank you

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Hi, one simple way would be to put a delay in that loop - even a delta delay should work, e.g.

for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
cout << "Packet received from Robot " << i << "\n";
   wait(SC_ZERO_TIME);  // let other processes run
// processing

Another solution might be to use the TLM1 tlm_fifo - that has a peek interface, and also an ok_to_get() which notifies an event when something is in the fifo. You could wait on the result of the OR of all the ok_to_get() calls.



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You are correct in the assessment that you have an infinite loop. You need some form of wait. wait(SC_ZERO_TIME) is not the best solution though.

How about waiting on the sc_fifo::data_written_event()?

Also, with the new version of SystemC (2.3.0), you can even create an sc_event_or_list so you can do the following (untested):

sc_event_or_list fifo_written_event;

for(int i=0; i!=10; ++i) {

fifo_written_event |=fifo.data_written_event();




for(int i=0; i!=10; ++i) { // Process all received


cout << "Packet received from Robot " << i << "\n";

// processing



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