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just wondering if there is a way to delay the quitting of simulation when max_quit_count number of errors occur. For e.g. :


   >uvm_report_server svr;


   >virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
   >  super.build_phase(phase);
   >  svr = _global_reporter.get_report_server();
   >  svr.set_max_quit_count(1);


In this example I want to exit after first error occurs, but want to insert some additional delay before actual $finish is called. This helps in debug. But I see that die() inside uvm_report_object.svh (which gets called when max_quit_count errors occur) is a function which calls $finish immediately :


  >virtual function void die();
  >  // make the pre_abort callbacks
  >  uvm_root top = uvm_root::get();
  >  top.m_do_pre_abort();

  > report_summarize();
  >  $finish;

So I am wondering if it is possible to insert some hash delay before quitting in any other way but still using the max_quit_count feature ?





I think you might do better to use a report catcher for this situation. In the report catcher you can simply fork a delayed fatal:

class my_report_catcher extends uvm_report_catcher;
  int unsigned count = 1; // limit
  time fatal_timeout = 20ns; // amount to delay before exiting
  function new (string name = ""); super.new(name); endfunction
  function action_e catch; 
    uvm_severity severity  = get_severity();
    string       id        = get_id();
    uvm_action   action    = get_action();
    string       message   = get_message();
    int          verbosity = get_verbosity();
    if (count) --count;
    if (count == 0 && severity == UVM_ERROR) //< conditions to set fatal timeout
     fork begin // allow extra time
       `uvm_report_fatal("","Exiting due to count")
     end join_none

Caveat emptor: untested. Also need to create/add the catcher at the appropriate location.


Thanks David for the suggestion, this worked with some minor modifications ! The modified code along with some small enhancements is as :

class my_report_catcher extends uvm_report_catcher;
  int unsigned count = 1; // limit
  time fatal_timeout = 200; // amount to delay before exiting
  function new (string name = ""); super.new(name); endfunction
  function action_e catch; 
    uvm_severity severity  = get_severity();
    string       id        = get_id();
    uvm_action   action    = get_action();
    string       message   = get_message();
    int          verbosity = get_verbosity();
    if (count && severity == UVM_ERROR) begin
    if (count == 0 && severity == UVM_ERROR) //< conditions to set fatal timeout
      fork begin // allow extra time
        //`uvm_report_fatal("","Exiting due to count")
	uvm_top.report_summarize(); //call end of test report_summarize()
      end join_none
    return THROW;

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