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VCS: uvm config db with array of interface

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Is there limitations when using uvm_config_db with interface array:


Here is an example where I get compilation error:


module tb_top();

   import uvm_pkg::*;

   /* DUT interfaces */
   test_if #(.MY_PARAM(4)) my_if   [3] (); // array of interfaces


   // Clocks and resets


   // design under verification

   initial begin
     string inst_name;

      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) begin
         $sformat(inst_name, "*.source[%0d].*",i);
         uvm_config_db#(virtual test_if#(.MY_PARAM(4)))::set(uvm_root::get(), inst_name, "vif", my_if); // This line gives compilation error !!!




Compilation error:


Identifier 'my_if' has not been declared yet. If this error is  not expected, please check if you have set `default_nettype to none.



Is that a simulator issue or is that not supported at all?

Thank you





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If I use a virtual interface, I get the following error (with VCS 2013):


Error-[NYI] Not Yet Implemented
[...]/tb_top.sv, l.xx
  Feature is not yet supported: xmr "my_if[0].reset" containing
  virtual interface "my_if" is passed at port at MX boundary.


On http://www.edaplayground.com/s/4/118 (very nice site, btw), I get it to compile with Questasim. So, VCS team, any plan to support this?


Another related question:

- how would the instantiation look like if the interface would be like:


interface test_if #(int MY_PARAM=4) (input bit clk);
   logic reset;
endinterface : test_if


module tb_top();


   logic [3] main_clk_array;

   virtual test_if #(.MY_PARAM(4)) my_if [3] (main_clk_array); // array of interfaces, how to I assign main_clk_array to the interface? Is main_clk_array[0] assigned to my_if[0].clk?





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You need to instantiate an array of interfaces and not "virtual interfaces".   I am assuming that you have an array of intefaces that you are trying to connect to an array of VIP masters/slaves.     Your original code instantiating array of interfaces is correct.


The problem appears  to be resolving  the my_if  instance handle in the uvm_config_db::set() call.


Try the following: 


uvm_config_db#(virtual test_if#(.MY_PARAM(4)))::set(uvm_root::get(), inst_name, "vif", tb_top.my_if);



By the way, I dont have access to VCS. So let me know if this fixes your problem.

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Logie, thank you for your comment, it almost worked and gave me a better error (it didn't like non-constant arg from my previous inner for loop).

It now compiles by using a generate loop around the uvm_config_db


genvar i;

for (i=0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
        initial begin
           string inst_name;

           $sformat(inst_name, "*.source[%0d].*",i);
           uvm_config_db#(virtual test_if #(.G_NUM_PAR_CHANNELS(4)))::set(uvm_root::get(),



Any ideas about the related issue?


Another related question:

- how would the instantiation look like if the interface would be like:


interface test_if #(int MY_PARAM=4) (input bit clk);
   logic reset;
endinterface : test_if


module tb_top();


   logic [3] main_clk_array;

   virtual test_if #(.MY_PARAM(4)) my_if [3] (main_clk_array); // array of interfaces, how to I assign main_clk_array to the interface? Is main_clk_array[0] assigned to my_if[0].clk?





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Yes. I would expect the my_if[0] input clk to be connected to the main_clk_array[0].   Are you seeing something else?


By the way, since you are going with generates for the uvm_config_db call, you may also want to consider generates

around the instantiation of the interface itself (instead of using array of interfaces).   This might make your code a little

simpler.  Here is a possible solution, with generates around the instantiation and the config_db::set().



module tb_top();

      import uvm_pkg::*;


      genvar i;


              for( i = 0; i < 3; i++)  begin : r_loop


                    test_if #(.MY_PARAM(4)) my_if ();

                    initial begin

                          $sformat(inst_name, "*.source[%0d].*",i);

                          uvm_config_db#(virtual test_if#(.MY_PARAM(4)))::set(uvm_root::get(), inst_name, "vif", my_if);






       // run_test();



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