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Why sc_object menber function trace() deprecated?


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Would you teach?

Example, I want to trace sc_in/out/inout and sc_signal of all hierarchy.

 void all_trace(sc_trace_file *tf, std::vector<sc_object*>& children){
for (std::vector<sc_object*>::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); i++){
  if ( std::string((*i)->kind())=="sc_module" ) {
	sc_module* mptr = dynamic_cast<sc_module*>(*i);
	std::vector<sc_object*> r_children = mptr->get_child_objects();
	all_trace(tf, r_children);
  }else if(  std::string((*i)->kind()) == "sc_in"
		  || std::string((*i)->kind()) == "sc_out"
		  || std::string((*i)->kind()) == "sc_inout"
		  || std::string((*i)->kind()) == "sc_signal"){
 std::vector<sc_object*> children = top.get_child_objects();
 all_trace(tf, children);

Are there any means to realize otherwise etc.?

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Unfortunately there is no easy solution.

trace is not part of the standard anymore. So you can not be sure if its implementation is available (and as far as I know it is not available for sc_in, etc. ).

According to the standard, you should use sc_trace. But you need to know the exact runtime type to use sc_trace.

Since C++ lacks of full introspection, there is no possibility to get it.

There are two solutions I know, but both are not really nice.

First: try to dynamic_cast your object. Only possible if you know all the types the object possibly might have.

if ((*i)-kind() == "sc_signal")
 sc_signal<bool>* signal_bool;
 sc_signal<sc_logic>* signal_logic;
 if (signal_bool  = dynamic_cast<sc_signal<bool>*>(obj))
   sc_trace(tf, *signal_bool, signal_bool->name());
 if (signal_logic = dynamic_cast<sc_signal<sc_logic>*>(obj))
   sc_trace(tf, *signal_logic, signal_logic->name());
 // repeat for every possible type

Second way: Use your own class 'sc_module_plus' derived from sc_module to implement your modules. Add a virtual function 'trace_your_members' to this class. Give the trace file handle as a parameter to this class and let each module register its own members for tracing.

Then you may run through the hierarchy as before and call this function for every module you find.

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Thank you for giving a reply.

There is a means to realize the code which I presented.

1. add trace function sc_in/sc_in<bool> ...



    void trace(sc_trace_file* tf) const{
  add_trace(tf, base_type::name());

2. compile option 「 -DDEBUG_SYSTEMC」


Performing is possible if the above correction is made.

But, SystemC log...

Info: (I804) /IEEE_Std_1666/deprecated: sc_signal<T>::trace() is deprecated

Info: (I804) /IEEE_Std_1666/deprecated: sc_signal<T>::addtrace() is deprecated

since -- a reason wants to know.

Best Regards.

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There is no easy solution for your problem!

Try following solution (I wrote it for systemc-ams, but you can easily modify that):

write a function as follows :

template < typename T > void sc_trace_template(sca_util::sca_trace_file* tf,sc_object* obj) {
   T* object ;
   if ((object  = dynamic_cast < T* >(obj))) sca_util::sca_trace(tf, *object , object->name());

Then create another function like as follows:

void sc_trace(sca_util::sca_trace_file* tf, const sc_module& mod, const std::string& txt) {

 std::vector < sc_object* > ch = mod.get_child_objects();

 for ( unsigned i = 0; i < ch.size(); i++ ) {
   sc_object* obj = ch[i];

//  signals :
   sc_trace_template < sc_core::sc_signal < bool > > (tf,obj);

//  Add all other data types below (sc_in <T> , sc_out <T>, T needs to be explicitly specified):

//  modules :
   sc_module* m;
   if ((m = dynamic_cast < sc_module* > (obj))) sc_trace(tf, *m, m->name());



Call sc_trace @ sc_main

This is an extremely medicore solution, but will work.



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Thank you for giving a reply.

Although it may be difficult to be sure with the present specification,
By mounting a trace function in sc_object,
I think whether the thing which I would like to do becomes possible.

I would like to know the propriety about the specification change here.

Best Regards.

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Short answer:  The standard requires an sc_trace overload for a user-defined (signal) datatype if and only if you actually trace this particular type.  Defining the virtual function sc_object::trace would require an overload for each and every data type used within a primitive channel supporting traces, even if those signals are never traced.  This would be quite inconvenient.



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