swapnilm Posted April 19, 2013 Report Share Posted April 19, 2013 Hello all UVM geeks, I am working on SIPO(serial in parallel out) in monitor class. Its not working properly and data is not being shifted in the shift registers. Can someone please guide me how to correct this problem so that I can make 10 bits byte out of SIPO. Following is the code for sipo part. task sipo(serialin); // task sipo(dut_vi.data); reg [9:0] pout; // automatic logic [9:0] temp = 0; //reg replaced by logic reg [9:0] temp; reg [4:0] counter_m = 0; //repeat(2) //always @(posedge dut_vi.clock) //removed posedge // for (int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++) begin // temp[9:0] <= {temp[8:0], serialin}; //THIS LINE DOESNT WORK, GIVES ERROR: Error: monitor.sv(167): LHS in non-blocking assignment may not be an automatic variable //temp[9:0] <<<= {temp[8:0], serialin}; //compiles but dont give any result //@(posedge dut_vi.clock) temp[0] = serialin; //temp[8]; $display("san480- Display of the temp %b",temp); temp[1] = temp[0]; $display("san481- Display of the temp %b",temp); temp[2] = temp[1]; $display("san482- Display of the temp %b",temp); // @(posedge dut_vi.clock) temp[3] = temp[2]; $display("san483- Display of the temp %b",temp); // @(posedge dut_vi.clock) temp[4] = temp[3]; $display("san484- Display of the temp %b",temp); // @(posedge dut_vi.clock) temp[5] = temp[4]; $display("san485- Display of the temp %b",temp); // @(posedge dut_vi.clock) temp[6] = temp[5]; $display("san486- Display of the temp %b",temp); // @(posedge dut_vi.clock) temp[7] = temp[6]; $display("san487- Display of the temp %b",temp); // @(posedge dut_vi.clock) temp[8] = temp[7]; $display("san488- Display of the temp %b",temp); // @(posedge dut_vi.clock) temp[9] = temp[8]; $display("san489- Display of the temp %b",temp); // repeat(10)@( dut_vi.clock) // $display("san489- Display of the temp %b",temp); counter_m = counter_m + 1; $display("san490- Display of the counter_m %d",counter_m); //%h end @(posedge dut_vi.clock) //assign pout = temp; $display("san466- Display of the Paralled data out of SIPO %b",pout); //%h uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Display of SIPO output parallel data.....",UVM_NONE); bq.push_back(pout); @( dut_vi.clock); $display("san467- Display of the queue contents %h",bq.size()); bytes = new[bq.size()] (bq); $display("san453- Display of the bytes array contents %p",bytes); //%h endtask: sipo Any help is appreciated. Thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apfitch Posted April 19, 2013 Report Share Posted April 19, 2013 Wow, that's a lot of code... If I've understood correctly, surely you just need task sipo (ref serialin); // must be a ref if you want to read it during the task logic [9:0] pout; for (int i = 0; i<10; i++) begin pout = {pout[8:0], serialin}; // assuming called just after a posedge? @(posedge dut_vi.clock); end $display ("Pout is %b", pout); endtask : sipo You may need to mess about with the timing of when you call the task. regards Alan http://www.doulos.com swapnilm 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swapnilm Posted April 20, 2013 Author Report Share Posted April 20, 2013 Hello Mr. Alan, Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it. I am finding one more error. The bits are not being received properly at every clock edge from (dut_vi.data) dut_interface. I am trying to assign the serialin with dut_vi.data in run phase() but its not working. It gives following error also: ** Error: monitor82.sv(51): An automatic var. or elem. of a dynamic var. (this) may not be the LHS of a non-blocking assignment. class monitor extends uvm_monitor; //Registration of monitor with the factory. `uvm_component_utils(monitor) virtual dut_if dut_vi; bit [7:0] decdrout1; bit [7:0] decdrout2[]; bit[7:0]queue[$]; //automatic logic serialin; //bit serialin; reg [9:0] pout; bit [9:0] bq[$]; bit[9:0] bytes[]; uvm_analysis_port #(transaction) Montr2Agnt_port; //constructor by using keyword new function new(string name, uvm_component parent); super.new(name, parent); endfunction: new function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); super.build_phase(phase); assert( uvm_config_db #(virtual dut_if)::get(this, "", "dut_vi", dut_vi) ); Montr2Agnt_port = new("Montr2Ag", this); endfunction : build_phase virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase); transaction pkt; // fork forever begin //automatic // logic serialin; //bit [7:0] decdrout1; int j; int pkt_len = 8; //bit [9:0] bq[$]; //bit[9:0] bytes[]; //repeat(10) @( dut_vi.clock); //removed posedge serialin <= dut_vi.data; //This line gives following error too, // ** Error: monitor82.sv(51): An automatic var. or elem. of a dynamic var. (this) may not be the LHS of a non-blocking assignment. $display("san14- Display of the serial line serialin %b",serialin); $display("san15- Display of the Serial Line dut_vi.data %b",dut_vi.data); sipo( serialin); //sipo(dut_vi.data); void'(decode(bytes)); pkt = transaction::type_id::create("pkt1"); $display("SM447- Display of the bytes array received after decoding %h",decdrout2); //%h void'(pkt.unpack_bytes(decdrout2)); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Decoded completely 10bits into 8bits ...",UVM_LOW); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Started unpacking of received bytes ...",UVM_LOW); // void'(pkt.unpack_bytes(decdrout2)); pkt.print(); //keep it here uncommented uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Completed unpacking of received bytes ...",UVM_LOW); Montr2Agnt_port.write(pkt); end //paired with forever uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Sending received packet from monitor to the Scoreboard ...",UVM_LOW); endtask: run_phase virtual task sipo (ref serialin); // must be a ref if you want to read it during the task logic [9:0] pout; reg [3:0] counter_m = 0; $display ("san488- Serialin is %b", serialin); for (int i = 0; i<10; i++) begin pout = {pout[8:0], serialin}; // assuming called just after a posedge? $display ("san491- Pout is %b", pout); $display ("san492- Pout is %h", pout); counter_m = counter_m + 1; $display("san490- Display of the counter_m %d",counter_m); //%h @(posedge dut_vi.clock); end $display ("san493- Pout is %b", pout); endtask : sipo // function decode(bytes); function decode(bytes); ...... ....... endfunction: decode endclass: monitor I am not getting why the bits are not being received properly by dut_vi.data and serialin because I can see the bits coming properly untill dut_interface. Please guide me through what am I missing in the run task to get all the bits serially in and then in sipo function. Thanks, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apfitch Posted April 23, 2013 Report Share Posted April 23, 2013 You can't make a non-blocking assignment to a class member - serialin is a member of the class. The easiest solution is to change it to blocking, i.e. serialin = dut_vi.data; Regarding getting your code to work, I think you'll just have to debug it. In class-based code, the single-step / breakpoint features of the simulator are very useful, regards Alan P.S. Actually non-blocking assignment to class members is allowed in 1800-2012 - but that doesn't mean you should use it :-) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swapnilm Posted April 23, 2013 Author Report Share Posted April 23, 2013 Thanks for your feedback sir. As such, my issue had been resolved and packets are matching. Thanks again Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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