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  1. Thanks @Lynn Garibaldi for your kind response. I fixed the permission and yes, will email you the PDF as well. Regards Ajeetha
  2. Please find my review comments annotated in the PDF below. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QZA5_ivMV_ReMjIeF9hu9HvdlQ6HdEZm/view?usp=drive_link Thanks Ajeetha
  3. I have collated inputs on this draft from my consulting team. However, it is too large a PDF to fit within 107 KBM size limit allowed here. How do I share? A google drive link would do? Kindly let me know @Barbara Benjamin
  4. @Lee Fueng Yap please see attached comments on draft 0.3 Regards Ajeetha, AsFigo akCDC_0.3_comments.pdf
  5. Hi, As part of our development @AsFigo we developed a custom UVMLint for BCL and the results can be found at https://asfigo.blogspot.com/2024/03/customizing-uvmlint-for-ieee-18002-base.html Happy to share more details if anyone is interested. Ajeetha AsFigo
  6. Just to add to Dave's great explanation: SV 2009 added "local::" scope resuoltion to refer to calling class scope variable name. Attached below is a screenshot from our UVM training that covers this very topic: HTH Ajeetha, CVC www.cvcblr.com/blog
  7. SVA has $stable() value change system function to do this for you. It returns a boolean indciating its argument was stable across 2 "sampling events". The result can be used as a boolean expression. Now depending on how often data_io changes you may want to fine tune it, but a raw code would be: always @(posedge clk) begin : b1 new_valid_io <= valid_io && !($stable (data_io)); end : b1 HTH Ajeetha, CVC www.cvcblr.com/blog
  8. As per LRM the `__FILE__ expands to the filename as provided to the compiler. So in your compile script if you provide absolute path, you will get /abs/path/to/file, else ../relative_path: For instance try the below code: module m; initial begin $display ("File: %0s Line: %0d", `__FILE__, `__LINE__); end endmodule : m qverilog C:/tools/cygwin/home/Ajeetha/proj/svlog/FILE_macro_rel_path/FILE_macro_rel_path.sv vs. qverilog ../FILE_macro_rel_path.sv See what happens HTH Ajeetha, CVC www.cvcblr.com/blog
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