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Regex flavour in IP-XACT Schema

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I have a query regarding the regex flavor specified in the XML Schema: 'simpleTypes.xsd'

<xs:simpleType name="portName">
    <xs:documentation>A type for a port name string, allows letters, digits, dash, colon, underscore and period</xs:documentation>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
    <xs:pattern value="\i[\p{L}\p{N}\.\-:_]*"/>  <!-- Which regex flavour is being used here for specification? -->

Can anyone elaborate on the XML schema specification specifically the attribute for the element pattern and attribute: value?

This regex pattern is available in IP-XACT 2014, and IP-XACT 2022 simpleTypes.xsd.



Ameya Vikram Singh

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello @kock,

While reviewing the reference shared by you:


Found another reference, and it seems the regular expression syntax used has been deprecated by the standard body:



Which has been updated to follow the EBNF notation.

As per the section 6 mentioned here:




It seems the newer revisions of IP-XACT specifications have not been updated to reflect the same as per the base XML specifications.



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