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How to set parameterized sequcence as default sequence with +uvm_set_default_sequence ?

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I am trying to use +uvm_set_default_sequence to set default sequence to an parameterized sequence, but i didn't make it. Can anyone please help and show me what went wrong?

The sequence is parameterized like below.

class seq_a #(int param = 10) extends uvm_sequence;


  function new(string name = "my_seq");
    do_not_randomize = 1'b1; // Required for ModelSim

  task body;
    uvm_sequence_state_enum state = get_sequence_state();
    // In UVM 1.1d: starting_phase.raise_objection(this);
    `uvm_info("SEQ_A", $sformatf("state is %s",
      state.name()), UVM_LOW);
    while ($time < 10us) begin
      `uvm_info("SEQ_A", $sformatf("[%d] ping at time %d", param, $time), UVM_LOW);
    // In UVM 1.1d: starting_phase.drop_objection(this);


And I added +uvm_set_default_sequence=*,main_phase,seq_a#(10) to VCS runtime option.

Unfortunately, it went wrong, and log was like below.

UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test test...
UVM_WARNING @ 0: reporter [UnknownTypeName] find_wrapper_by_name: Type name 'seq_a#(10)' not registered with the factory.
UVM_ERROR @ 0: reporter [UVM_CMDLINE_PROC] Invalid type 'seq_a#(10)' provided to +uvm_set_default_sequence
UVM_FATAL @ 0: reporter [BUILDERR] stopping due to build errors




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  • 2 months later...

Programmatically converting the value of a parameter to a string can't be accomplished using compiler directives.  One reason is that it would require inspecting the type of each parameter to determine how to convert the value to a string and that information is not available when the preprocessor resolves the compiler directives.  This is why the uvm_(object|component)_param_utils macros don't attempt to add the code necessary to associate a class specialization with a string value.   

With that said, it is possible to manually associate a string with a class specialization.   The code below shows how to accomplish associating a string with a class specialization.


// The IEEE UVM versions define uvm_type_name_decl and uvm_declare_type_alias macros. 
// However, older versions of UVM do not define these macros and will need to have them defined
// in order for the code to work regardless of the UVM version being used. 
`ifndef uvm_type_name_decl
`define uvm_type_name_decl(TNAME_STRING) \
	 const static string type_name = TNAME_STRING; \
     virtual function string get_type_name(); \
       return TNAME_STRING; \
     endfunction : get_type_name
// The SFX argument to the uvm_declare_type_alias macro must be unique for each usage of the macro in
// a given scope.
`ifndef uvm_declare_type_alias                        
`define uvm_declare_type_alias(TYPE,NAME,SFX=) \
static uvm_object_wrapper m__alias_declared``SFX = uvm_component_registry #(TYPE, NAME)::get(); 

class seq_a #(int param = 10) extends uvm_sequence;

   // added type name functions so that get_type_name returns a reasonable value.
   // For example: seq_a#(10)::get_type_name() returns "seq_a#(10)"
  `uvm_type_name_decl($sformatf("seq_a#(%0d)", param)) 
  function new(string name = "my_seq");
    do_not_randomize = 1'b1; // Required for ModelSim

  task body;
    uvm_sequence_state_enum state = get_sequence_state();
    // In UVM 1.1d: starting_phase.raise_objection(this);
    `uvm_info("SEQ_A", $sformatf("state is %s",
      state.name()), UVM_LOW);
    while ($time < 10us) begin
      `uvm_info("SEQ_A", $sformatf("[%d] ping at time %d", param, $time), UVM_LOW);
    // In UVM 1.1d: starting_phase.drop_objection(this);

// Add aliases after the class definition for each class specialization you would like to associate with a string.
// Aliases can always declared manually.
// Depending on the parameter types it may be possibly to declare the aliases in a generate loop .
// Only the declared aliases will be available for lookup in the factory using a string 
// Provide unique values to the SFX argument to ensure that variable declared by the macro is not declared more 
// than once a given scope.

`uvm_declare_type_alias(seq_a#(10), "seq_a#(1)", seq_a_1)                          
`uvm_declare_type_alias(seq_a#(10), "seq_a#(10)", seq_a_10)     


// Based on the example code this could also be done in a generate loop since the parameter type is an int. 
// The module declaring the aliaes must be instanced somewhere in the simulation in order for the aliases to work
// Example using a generate loop: 
module tb();
   // code assumes seq_a is defined inside package seq_a_package
   // No need to provide unique values to the SFX argument as each iteration of the loop is a different scope.                     
   for (genvar i = 0; i < 20; i++) begin : gen_seq_a_specialization
	`uvm_declare_type_alias(seq_a_package::seq_a#(i), $sformatf("seq_a#(%0d)", i))    


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