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SystemC module parameter


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For folllowing SystemC module

template <typename T> // type parameter
class testModule : public sc_module {
testModule(sc_module_name modnamemodname, string portname) {}

What is the correct representation of portname parameter in ipxact

<ipxact:moduleParameter parameterId="ip_config" resolve="user" type="string">
<ipxact:value>ABC</ipxact:value> #without double quote



<ipxact:moduleParameter parameterId="ip_config" resolve="user" type="string">
<ipxact:value>"ABC"</ipxact:value> #without double quote

If the correct way is without double quote(first option above) then how the tool decides wehther the value is actually "ABC" and not the another parameter value with parameter id ABC and vice versa



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Do the value need to be in quoted string for parameters with type="string". For example

<ipxact:moduleParameter parameterId="ip_config" resolve="user" type="string">
<ipxact:value>"ABC"</ipxact:value> #without double quote

If no, then how the tool determine if the value (ABC) is actual value or an expression based on another parameter id(ABC) ?


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Since moduleParameter values are expressions, then string literals must be quoted, so this version is correct:

<ipxact:moduleParameter parameterId="ip_config" resolve="user" type="string">

Otherwise, as you mentioned, a tool would parse the value and see ABC as an identifier (parameterId reference) which is not what you want.

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