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Setup IDE for application development


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You could definitely use VSCode on windows with WSL.

You'll need to install C/C++ Extension, along with CMake Extension.

You'll need to refer to usual setup requirements for a CMake, C/C++ project using WSL.

I don't have a ready reference.

But, this should get you going on setting up a basic environment:




Ameya Vikram Singh

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You either use a commercial SystemC simulator which comes with plenty examples, demos and alike. Or you use the reference implementation of SystemC from https://systemc.org/resources/standards/ or the github repo (https://github.com/accellera-official/systemc) which also comes with examples how to write SystemC models (https://github.com/accellera-official/systemc/tree/master/examples). Also Doulos has a rich trainigns programm as well as few free tutorials (https://doulos.com/knowhow/systemc/systemc-tutorial/, https://doulos.com/knowhow/systemc/tlm-20/).

Reading in between the lines of your question I'd suggest the first option along with the Dolous training. Otherwise you need to get familiar with C++ programming principles since the reference implementation is just a library for C++ and you basically do write C++ programs.

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AFAIK there is no actual blog post or tutorial on setting uo VSCode with the reference implementation

An option to start with SystemC would be to use a cmake based SystemC project. I created on some time ago, it can be found at https://github.com/Minres/SystemC-Quickstart Then you might import this project into VSCode as described e.g. her: https://www.pragmaticlinux.com/2021/07/import-a-cmake-project-into-visual-studio-code/

I'm not aware a a list of commercial SystemC simulators, you might have to use a search engine of your choice....



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