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Is there a way to give a large input ?


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I tried the following ways:

 auto write_val = sc_dt::sc_biguint<64>(0xffffffffffffffff)<<192 + sc_dt::sc_biguint<64>(0xffffffffffffffff)<<128 + sc_dt::sc_biguint<64>(0xffffffffffffffff)<<64 + sc_dt::sc_biguint<64>(0xffffffffffffffff);

Also tried this:

sc_dt::sc_biguint<N> write_val =  sc_dt::sc_biguint<64>(0xffffffffffffffff)<<192 + sc_dt::sc_biguint<64>(0xffffffffffffffff)<<128 + sc_dt::sc_biguint<64>(0xffffffffffffffff)<<64 + sc_dt::sc_biguint<64>(0xffffffffffffffff);

It compiles but does not take any values I give it. write_val always has 0s. Please guide me.

EDA link:https://www.edaplayground.com/x/Dr6L

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The problem is operator precedence. The expression should look like:

    auto write_val = (sc_dt::sc_biguint<64>(0xffffffffffffffff)<<192) + (sc_dt::sc_biguint<64>(0xffffffffffffffff)<<128) + (sc_dt::sc_biguint<64>(0xffffffffffffffff)<<64) + sc_dt::sc_biguint<64>(0xffffffffffffffff);


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  • 2 weeks later...

I modified your example:

 			 sc_bv<N> write_val = (sc_dt::sc_bv<64>(0xffffffffffffffff)<<192) | (sc_dt::sc_bv<64>(0xffffffffffffffff)<<128) | (sc_dt::sc_bv<64>(0xffffffffffffffff)<<64) | sc_dt::sc_bv<64>(0xffffffffffffffff);

          cout<< "at time: " << sc_time_stamp()<< endl << "Data_in in stimulus = "<< Data_in.read() << endl;

If you write to a signal you need to wait at least for a delta-cycle to read the same value. Other than in my original post you need to or them rather than add.

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