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conversion from '__int128 unsigned' to 'const data_type {aka const sc_dt::sc_biguint<256>}' is ambiguous FUNC_IN.write(0x2238787adf909278327848273467382467fffffffffffffffff130389);

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Is there any data type bigger than sc_biguint ??

I want to give an input of 256 bits. It throws errors even after using sc_biguint/sc_bv.

Please suggest what can be done.



There is no constructor defined for sc_biguint taking an __int128 or a __uint128. _int128 is not a C nor C++ datatype, some compiler support it, many do not. But your literal does not fit into it anyways. So if you want to assign as 256bit datatype you have to slice it into supported datatypes (uint64_t):

auto write_val = sc_dt:.sc_biguint<64>(0x2238787)<<192 + sc_dt:.sc_biguint<64>(0xf909278327848273)<<128  + sc_dt:.sc_biguint<64>(0x467382467fffffff)<<64 + sc_dt:.sc_biguint<64>(0xffffffffff130389);



@Eyck I tried it and it gives me this error:

error: expected primary-expression before ':' token
    auto write_val = sc_dt:.sc_biguint<64>(0x2238787)<<192 + sc_dt:.sc_biguint<64>(0xf909278327848273)<<128 + sc_dt:.sc_biguint<64>(0x46738ffff)<<64 + sc_dt:.sc_biguint<64>(0xffffffffff130389);

Here's the EDA link:https://www.edaplayground.com/x/bUPa



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