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How to create a port that is equivalent to the combination of multiple ports


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sc_signal<sc_int<17>> signal_a;
sc_signal<sc_int<15>> signal_b;

I want to create a port which can handle both of these signals, for example

sc_inout<uint32_t> port

Write to this port is equivalent to write both of these signals.

Read from this port is equivalent to read from both of these signals

Wait value_changed_event() is equivalent to wait any of their value_changed_event();


Anyway to do it? Thanks

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SystemC ports are designed to bind to a very specific signature. The idea that a 15-bit port could bind to a 17-bit port is considered dangerous. That was an intentional design decision of the design committee. The goal was to avoid mismatched signals in hardware that would be synthesized from SystemC. In a similar vein, some folks want to split out bits and write to single bits, but cannot that directly.

It is possible to write channels that make the conversion.


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