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[System verilog ] Accessing an array with range varying along with upper and lower limits and the width of the array .

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Want to access the array with different width sizes along with different upper and lower limits .


The Sample code is as follows (Ignore the begin/end syntax )

foreach(fields[i]) begin
         if(fields[i].get_name().substr(0,7) != "reserved")    begin
          const int lsb_i= fields[i].get_lsb_pos() ;
          const int msb_i = fields[i].get_lsb_pos() + fields[i].get_n_bits()-1;
          int size_of = msb_i - lsb_i + 1;
          if((r_data[msb_i -:size_of] ) ==( m_data[msb_i -:size_of] ) ) 
         `uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf("Matching data for Reg %s with fields[i] %s read data = %0h and mirror_data = %0h @ Addr=%0h", regs[i].get_name(),                           fields[i].get_name() ,r_data ,m_data, regs[i].get_address()), UVM_MEDIUM);
          `uvm_error(get_name(),$sformatf("MIsMatching data for Reg %s with fields[i] %s read data = %0h and mirror_data = %0h @ Addr=%0h", regs[i].get_name(),                         fields[i].get_name() ,r_data ,m_data, regs[i].get_address()));  


The Problem is with the BLOCK code , 

The array doesnt suppoort the indices for range being variable . 


I get an error as follows :

 if((r_data[msb_i -:size_of] ) ==( m_data[msb_i -:size_of] ) ) 
xmvlog: *E,NOTPAR (/vobs/asic/hawkowl/src/jor/src/jor_top_sec/tb/lib/env/er_jor_insec_reg_seq_lib.svh,220|35): Illegal operand for constant expression [4(IEEE)].
          if((r_data[msb_i -:size_of] ) ==( m_data[msb_i -:size_of] ) ) 
xmvlog: *E,NOTPAR (/vobs/asic/hawkowl/src/jor/src/jor_top_sec/tb/lib/env/er_jor_insec_reg_seq_lib.svh,220|65): Illegal operand for constant expression [4(IEEE)].



So please help me solving this issue .


Thanks in advance 

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