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type_id of the uvm_sequence_base

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I would like to write a generic virtual sequence, which will spawn another sequences. Since I would like to to keep it generic, the type of spawned sequences should be defined by the overriding facility of the factory.

My problem is that the code:

class vir_seq extends uvm_sequencer#();
virtual task pre_body();
uvm_sequence_base seq;
seq = uvm_sequence_base::type_id::create("my_name");

instead of creating the overriding type (let's say my_seq), creates vir_seq.

One comment: I use the uvm_sequence_base instead of the uvm_sequence#(T) because I don't want to have the parametrized vir_seq (from my experience parameters always imply troubles at the end...). Is any other, more clean way, to avoid parameters ? I know, the that the uvm_sequence_base inherits type_id from uvm_sequence_item (so by default, without overriding, an item should be created). However, fact that I get every time vir_seq confuses me.

To understand better the issue and isolate the problem, I end up with the following simple example:

import uvm_pkg::*;
`include <uvm_macros.svh>
module top;
   test a();
endmodule // top

class seq extends uvm_sequence#();

   `m_uvm_object_registry_internal(seq, seq)  //   <- MACRO 1
//   `uvm_object_utils (seq)
   function new();
      $display(uvm_sequence_base::type_id::type_name ); //  <- DISPLAY 2
   endfunction // new

endclass // seq

program automatic test;

   task start();
      seq s;
      $display(uvm_sequence_base::type_id::type_name );   // <- DISPLAY 1 
      s = new();            
   endtask // start
endprogram // test

Display 1, as expected, returns always 'uvm_sequence_item'. Output of Display 2 depends whether the Macro 1 (which is a part of `uvm_object_utils) is commented or not, returning respectively 'uvm_sequence_item' or 'seq'

I would be grateful for an explanation why the above simulation doesn't follow my expectations.

Thank you in advance.



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However, fact that I get every time vir_seq confuses me.

It seems this is due to a simulator bug. Consider:

class C1;

int i;


class C2 #(type T) extends C1;


class C3 extends C2#(int);

int i;

function void f();

C1::i = 123;



With Questa, f() writes this.i, not C1::i. The statement:

seq = uvm_sequence_base::type_id::create();

is slightly more complicated since uvm_sequence_base does not have a type_id, but it inherits one from uvm_sequence_item. Still, the type_id used (with Questa) is this.type_id, which is similar to f() above writing this.i.

A possible workaround is to call create() on the type_id of the parameterized base, for example:

task pre_body();

typedef uvm_sequence#(uvm_sequence_item) that;

if (!$cast(seq, that::type_id::create("my_name"))) BigBadError();


Now, the compiler will not use this.type_id, but that::type_id which is the type_id of uvm_sequence_item.


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