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multi_passthrough_target_socket issue from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2

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Hello ,

I am having a closed design which is running using SystemC 2.3.1 , When i updagraded to version 2.3.2 i found an error resulting from multi_socket_bases.h in the b_transport method

"Call to b_transport without a registered callback for b_transport" as shown below.


    void b_transport(transaction_type& trans,sc_core::sc_time& t){
      //check if a callback is registered
      if (m_b_f && m_b_f->is_valid()) {
        (*m_b_f)(m_id, trans,t); //do the callback
      display_error("Call to b_transport without a registered callback for b_transport.");

Although , customer is supposed to be registering callbacks correctly as the register_b_transport function is called , but it looks like the callback pointers are not set due to an extra check as mention below in the end_of_elaboration function in multi_passthrough_socket.h

    // complete binding only if there has been a real bind
    bool unbound = (binders.size() == 1 && m_export_callback_created);
    // no call to get_base_interface has consumed the export - ignore
    if (unbound) return;
 void end_of_elaboration(){
    //'break' here if the socket was told not to do callback binding
    if (m_eoe_disabled) return;

    //get the callback binders and the multi binds of the top of the hierachical bind chain
    // NOTE: this could be the same socket if there is no hierachical bind
    std::vector<callback_binder_fw<TYPES>* >& binders=get_hierarch_bind()->get_binders();
    std::map<unsigned int, tlm::tlm_bw_transport_if<TYPES>*>&  multi_binds=get_hierarch_bind()->get_multi_binds();

    // complete binding only if there has been a real bind
    bool unbound = (binders.size() == 1 && m_export_callback_created);
    // no call to get_base_interface has consumed the export - ignore
    if (unbound) return; 

    // iterate over all binders
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<binders.size(); i++) {
      binders[i]->set_callbacks(m_nb_f, m_b_f, m_dmi_f, m_dbg_f); //set the callbacks for the binder
      if (multi_binds.find(i)!=multi_binds.end()) //check if this connection is multi-multi
        //if so remember the interface
      else{ //if we are bound to a normal socket
        //get the calling port and try to cast it into a tlm socket base
        base_initiator_socket_type* test=dynamic_cast<base_initiator_socket_type*>(binders[i]->get_other_side());
        if (!test){display_error("Not bound to tlm_socket.");}
        m_sockets.push_back(&test->get_base_interface()); //remember the interface


When I commented out this extra check , the design worked fine.

I would appreciate if you can tell me what could be the reason for this check and what to check ? and if there are any known issues with this extra check ? i can see that there are some fixe 2.3.3 to check the hierarchial binding but it did not work too.



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