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Read up on sc_spawn and sc_process_handle. Basically, you can do something like:

// Example of fork-join any
std::vector<sc_process_handle> process_handles;
process_handles.push_back( sc_spawn( [&](){ ... } ); //< repeat as needed
sc_event_or_list terminated_events;
for( auto& ph : process_handles ) {
    terminated_events |= ph.terminated_event();
wait( terminated_events ); //< wait for any process to exit
for( auto& ph : process_handles ) {
// Example of fork-join none
(void)spawn( [&](){ ... } ); //< repeat as needed


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Thank your for the help.

But when I try implementing the fork_join any solution, I get this error

invalid use of sc_(and|or)_event_list: list prematurely destroyed

I am using the fork join any in a run phase process of a uvm systemc driver. This issue is reported specifically for 40th agent i am running out of 65 agents. 

Is it because the size of the process handles or the terminated_event list getting exhausted



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2 hours ago, KEVIN CHACKO said:

But when I try implementing the fork_join any solution, I get this error

invalid use of sc_(and|or)_event_list: list prematurely destroyed

This is interesting, comment in source code says that it reports this error when event_list is destroyed, but some process is still waiting for it.

Can you provide a small reproducer (complete code example) showing how you use it?

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The code is fine for SC_JOIN all and SC_JOIN NONE implementation. And apparently this issue is there for every uvm_component I instantiate.


template <int TOP_DEPTH=10>
class top: public uvm::uvm_component{

       void fun1() {
         cout<<"Current time is "<< sc_time_stamp() << endl;
     cout<< " =========== fun1========" << endl;
         cout<<"Current time is "<< sc_time_stamp() << endl;

       void fun2() {
         cout<<"Current time is "<< sc_time_stamp() << endl;
        cout<< " =========== fun2========" << endl;
         cout<<"Current time is "<< sc_time_stamp() << endl;

   void run_phase(uvm::uvm_phase& phase) {
             cout<< " run: before fork/join" << endl;

                         sc_spawn(sc_bind(&top::fun1, this)),
                         sc_spawn(sc_bind(&top::fun2, this))

         /*void(sc_spawn(sc_bind(&top::fun1, this)));
           void(sc_spawn(sc_bind(&top::fun2, this)));*/


     std::vector<sc_process_handle> process_handles;
     process_handles.push_back(sc_spawn(sc_bind(&top::fun1, this)) );
     process_handles.push_back(sc_spawn(sc_bind(&top::fun2, this)) );
     sc_event_or_list terminated_events;
     for(std::vector<sc_process_handle>::iterator it = process_handles.begin(); it != process_handles.end(); ++it) {
       terminated_events |= (*it).terminated_event();
     wait( terminated_events ); //< wait for any process to exit
     for(std::vector<sc_process_handle>::iterator it = process_handles.begin(); it != process_handles.end(); ++it) {

                 cout << "run: after fork/join" << endl;
                cout<<"Current time is "<< sc_time_stamp() << endl;

 top (uvm::uvm_component_name name="top") : uvm::uvm_component( name ) {




int sc_main(int argc, char **argv) {

       top<15>* top_1;

       top_1 = new top<15>("top_1");


      return 0;


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Ok, thanks a lot for example. 

I'm not using UVM myself and have no idea what it does. But it looks like UVM does not allow you to call wait() inside run_phase, because it terminates the thread immediately.

If you rewrite your code this way:

    void run_phase(uvm::uvm_phase& phase) {

        cout<< " run: before fork/join" << endl;

        cout << "run: after fork/join" << endl;
        cout<<"Current time is "<< sc_time_stamp() << endl;

You will see that "Current time is.." won't get printed.  

And because thread is terminated,  event_list got destroyed and you see the error you see.

From my perspective it is UVM-SystemC bug, it should prevent you from calling wait() from run_phase, by reporting something like "wait() is not allowed inside run_phase". 

I suggest you to post the issue to UVM SystemC support forum (http://forums.accellera.org/forum/38-systemc-verification-uvm-systemc-scv/) and see if anyone of UVM-SystemC developers can help/comment.


If you put your code in a regular SC_THREAD you will see that everything works as expected .



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