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SC_METHOD and next_trigger() diagnostics


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I receive the message

Error: (E520) next_trigger() is only allowed in SC_METHODs:
        in SC_THREADs and SC_CTHREADs use wait() instead

when running my code (the relevant fragments are shown below). Any idea, what could be wrong? (what else is needed?)

SC_MODULE(scMemory) {
    sc_core::sc_in<bool> Clock;  

    void WaitAccessing(void)
       {    next_trigger(memory_accessed); }
    void ReceivedClock(void);
  sc_event memory_accessed;    // memory access finished

scMemory::scMemory(sc_core::sc_module_name nm, int Size )
: sc_core::sc_module(nm),  mClocks(0), Length(Size), my_state(STANDBY)
   sensitive << Clock.pos();
   sensitive << memory_accessed;
   dont_initialize();  // Do not receive clock during initialization

the error message changes to


Error: (E519) wait() is only allowed in SC_THREADs and SC_CTHREADs:

in SC_METHODs use next_trigger() instead

if I change the code to


    void WaitAccessing(void)
       {    wait(memory_accessed); }

I surely do something wrong, but surely the diagnostic messages are not on the top, too.


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Well, the full code of the member function calling WaitAccessing() is

  getByte(scCore* FromCore, SC_ADDRESS_TYPE  Address){ 
       AccessMemory(FromCore, scMemoryRead, Address, 1);  // Request a content
       return storage->contents[Address];

Of course I set a breakpoint in the member function above (this is the only place where WaitAccessing() is called from)  and it is exactly called from this place. Concerning your namespace question:

I simple followed the example in SCFTGU, page 55

//FILE: module_name.cpp
sc_module_name instname[, other_args…])
: sc_module(instname)

Is it wrong (or can be wrong)?

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Re. the error

SC_METHOD is called repeatedly (every time an element of the static sensitivity list triggers); however, SC_METHOD processes must execute in single delta cycle (zero time). Blocking methods such as wait() is illegal there. Methods such as sc_fifo::write() call wait() and are therefore also illegal. To wait 10 ns, you can do something like this:

#include <systemc>
#include <iostream>
struct Ex1 : sc_core::sc_module
  Ex1( void )
  void Method10ns( void )
    next_trigger( 10, SC_NS );
    std::cout << "Now " << sc_core::sc_time_stamp() << sdt::endl;

SC_THREAD is called only one, and therefore normally contains an infinite loop to properly model hardware. Thus the above is coded more simply as:

#include <systemc>
#include <iostream>
struct Ex1 : sc_core::sc_module
  Ex1( void )
  void Thread10ns( void )
    for(;;) {
      std::cout << "Now " << sc_core::sc_time_stamp() << sdt::endl;
      wait( 10, SC_NS );



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