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TLM transaction tracing

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impulse is a good trace file viewer for visualising the results of simulation runs of SystemC models.

"scv" hints that this format is not part of the TLM standard, but part of the SystemC Verification (SCV) library, which you can also download from the Accellera website:


The SCV tar ball contains in the docs/ directory several PDF documents, which outline the use of transaction recording.  As you can guess from their publication dates in 2003, this mechanism predates TLM-2.0. As I never used that API myself, I cannot provide further insight/guidance.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Maybe a little bit late but there are socket implementations available which do trace tlm transactions int a SCV database. They can be found at https://github.com/Minres/SystemC-Components/tree/master/incl/scv4tlm and are used e.g. at https://github.com/Minres/SystemC-Components/blob/5f7387ab7e3dfc2ff6a7cac6fbe834ed7ec8ae36/incl/sysc/tlmtarget.h which in turn serve as building blocks in https://github.com/Minres/SystemC-Components-Test/tree/master/examples/simple_system

The setup given by Kai is put into sysc::tracer where all the tracing setup (VCD & SCV) is impelemted.

Best regards


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