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Error: (E513) an sc_module_name parameter for your constructor is required

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Hi all,

I have a problem with my assignment.

I have "General_Register" class, this class has constructor which will receive arguments:

General_Reg(sc_module_name reg_Name_, sc_uint<N> reg_DataDefault_, int reg_BitRangeNum_, string bit_Name_[], int bit_Start_[], int bit_Length_[], int bit_Status_[]):
	  sc_module(reg_Name_), reg_Name(reg_Name_), reg_DataDefault(reg_DataDefault_), reg_BitRangeNum(reg_BitRangeNum_), bit_Name(bit_Name_), bit_Start(bit_Start_), bit_Length(bit_Length_), bit_Status(bit_Status_)

I have "Generator_Register" class, too. This class has constructor which will receive arguments:

Generator_Register(sc_module_name reg_Name_, string file_name_): sc_module(reg_Name_), reg_Name(reg_Name_), file_name(file_name_)

and instance the object of "General_Register" class:

General_Reg<N> reg_Name(reg_Name, reg_Default, bit_RangeNum, bit_Name, bit_Start, bit_Length, bit_Status);

when I run it, it have error:

Error: (E513) an sc_module_name parameter for your constructor is required
In file: ..\..\src\sysc\kernel\sc_module.cpp:220

Help me, please!

My codes were attach below




Hi, I've got a couple of comments.

Firstly, in

template <int N>
class Generator_Register: public sc_module
	Generator_Register(sc_module_name reg_Name_, string file_name_): sc_module(reg_Name_), reg_Name(reg_Name_), file_name(file_name_)
		General_Reg<N> reg_Name(reg_Name_, reg_Default, bit_RangeNum, bit_Name, bit_Start, bit_Length, bit_Status);

	int reg_Num;
	int bit_RangeNum;
	sc_module_name reg_Name;
	string *bit_Name;
	int *bit_Start;
	int *bit_Length;
	int *bit_Status;
	sc_bv<N> reg_Default;
	string file_name;

the declaration of the variable General_Reg<N> reg_Name is a local variable inside the constructor - so it will disappear when the constructor completes. You should make it a class member if you want it to persist.


Secondly from section 5.3.3 of IEEE 1666-2011



Class sc_module_name shall only be used as the type of a parameter of a constructor of a class derived from
class sc_module.


In other words you're not allowed to declare a variable of type sc_module_name, which you've done in both your classes. That's because sc_module_name is "magic", it helps build the hierarchical names of all modules during elaboration.


If you need to keep the name inside a class, store it in a string.


kind regards


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