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c4brian and I have messaged a bunch about ways to share data and access between elements in SV/UVM code.
I put common functions/tasks/constants into a package, which I think is standard.
I realize that absolute dot notation of accessing elements (i.e.  variable12 = smthgA.smthgB.smthgC.variableXYZ;) is frowned upon as it is not good for reuse.
So, the UVM presents the uvm_config_db to facilitate reuse and simplify connectivity across a hierarchy.**1
Many folks have (including c4brian, I believe) commented that they don't like how verbose it is to ::get from the config db and to check the return result.
   if (! uvm_config_db#(integer)::get(this,"hiccup","xyz_important_var", important_var) ) begin
     `uvm_fatal("ERROR,"important_var not found in config_db")
In a recent testbench, I've done the following. I probably need to review how the config component is supposed to be used.
I am curious what others think.
My setup:
1) Create an object to store common variables and handles.
//This should be a singleton and serve as a central point for others to access global connections. Likely not a good style.  Discuss.
class xyz_config extends uvm_component;

   static xyz_env          m_env;
   static id_state         m_id_state;
   static delay_ctl        m_delayctl;

   function new(string name="xyz_config", uvm_component parent=null);
      super.new(name, parent);

set_env_handle(input xyz_env handle);
endfunction : set_env_handle

2) When something is created that other code might want to access, I set a handle to it in xyz_config.
ex1: In the test class constructor (which is declared inside top), create the env and set a handle to it in the xyz_config.  (Probably these actions should be done in the build_phase rather than the constructor.)
class test_base extends uvm_test;

   xyz_env env;

   function new(string name = "test_base", uvm_component parent = null);
      super.new(name, parent);
      env = xyz_env::type_id::create("env",this);

ex2: In the env build_phase, I set handles to some objects which track data which is useful in many sequences and other code

function void xyz_env::build_phase(uvm_phase phase);

   // Create Helper Structures
   m_id_state = id_state::type_id::create("m_id_state",this);
   m_delayctl = delay_ctl::type_id::create("m_delayctl",this);
3) Now, in various parts of the tb (such as from sequences), I can access xyz_config as a singleton, and access its handles (using . "dot" notation) to whatever data structures it was given access to.  (I'm thinking now that those data structures should be in the scoreboard.)

The dot notation is much more concise than declaring a variable and then performing a uvm_config_db ::get and checking the return value. 

//in seq, id_state which tracks system-state used to set transaction variable
jhg_input_trans.state = xyz_config::m_id_state.get_jhg_state(.loopback(loopback), .fce_1(fce_1));
//in virtual seq, a call is made that turns off any internal stallers (special stallers to alter congestion in the dut)
//in scoreboard, as monitors send in transactions, it adjusts state info which is used by sequences to make legal input
xyz_config::m_id_state.move_some_id(.note("fuf->xyz"), .syd(t.fuf_xyz_read_syd), .from_q(Q001), .to_q(Q111));

A benefit of this is that the user can more easily (from this line of code), see what is being accessed, rather than needing to rerun a test and dump config_db or grep thru a bunch of files to see who did the ::set.

With regards to reuse, it seems to me that as long as the new tb (that wants to benefit from reuse), sets the handles in the _config properly, it is just as reuse-able.


Probably, I am missing something.


I've have a vague notion and have heard soft feedback that this style (which I feel is unique to me) is not good.  Maybe I'm imagining this or exaggerating it in my mind.  I bring it up here, in the event anyone has feedback or a good scolding to give.
  Conceptually I've been taught to think of uvm_config_db as a "string"-accessible associative array, or a group of associative arrays; something like 'one for each datatype'.
  I'm not poking into the uvm base class here, but just voicing my understanding out-loud for comments.  Conceptually, I think of uvm_config_db as operating as follows.
A user specifies the data type that they want to store or get - which 'conceptually' selects which associative array to access.
A user specifies a "string-name" which is the key into that associate array.
A user reads or writes that associative array as follows.
  To write, they use ::set,  specify a "string-name",  and provide a value.
  To read, they use ::get, specify a "string-name", and provide a variable, into which the value stored at "string-name" will be copied.
(Note: I've modified the code examples to shorten them, so may have introduced typos.)
Edited by ljepson74
fixed typo. For ex 1 in section 2), "rrc_config::set_env_handle(env);" should have been "xyz_config::set_env_handle(env);"
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My setup:
1) Create an object to store common variables and handles.


You create a uvm_component to store your configuration; I've never seen that, was it on purpose?


So basically you have a full STATIC configuration singleton (no automatic variables I assume).


I am mainly jealous because I'm having to fool around with...

1. NO config_db:   p_sequencer (no config_db, but I still have to remember to populate my "goodie" handles)

2. YES config_db: m_sequencer (using the config_db scope to snag agent configuration items, and then use methods there for hardware synchronization or whwatever)

3. NO config_db:   In the case of transient objects like sequence items, or sequences, assigning handles to configuration objects from a parent component (test-> virtual sequence, sequence) etc, for use in constraints, for example.


I digress.  Please weigh in on the singleton configuration approach.

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Yes.  And I suppose there is no reason it should be a uvm_component - I am not using phases or anything particular to uvm_components here.

I am probably muddying the waters by having "config" in the name, and will do some more reading today to understand normal UVM configurations.


"xyz_access_point".  Probably that is a better name for what I do here than xyz_config.   xyz is the module being tested in this case, and this singleton class below is used to provide a means to use the static operator, ::, to access elements from anywhere in the testbench.





Is it a "a full STATIC configuration singleton", you ask?  I'm not fully sure what that means, but see below.

// CLASS: xyz_config
//This should be a singleton and serve as a central point for others to access globally used objects.
//This is likely not a good style.  It is certainly not agreed upon.  Discuss.
class xyz_config extends uvm_component;

   static xyz_env     m_env;
   static id_state    m_id_state;
   static delay_ctl   m_delay_ctl;

   function new(string name="xyz_config", uvm_component parent=null);
      super.new(name, parent);

   extern static function void set_env_handle(input xyz_env handle);
   extern static function void set_id_state_handle(input id_state    handle);
   extern static function void set_delay_ctl_handle(input delay_ctl handle);
endclass : xyz_config


// FUNCTION: set_*_handle
// These functions receive and set handles to their respective objects
function void xyz_config::set_env_handle(input xyz_env handle);
endfunction : set_env_handle

function void xyz_config::set_id_state_handle(input id_state    handle);
endfunction : set_id_state_handle

function void xyz_config::set_delay_ctl_handle(input delay_ctl handle);
endfunction : set_delay_ctl_handle

c4brian, you lost me on the jealous part.  What do the YES and NOs mean?  Those are uses for config objects (whether they use config_db or not) or smthg?

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  • 3 weeks later...

ah haha.. sorry that was confusing...


I meant YES = example using the config db, NO = example not using the config db.


Your new name makes a little more sense.  It could probably be a uvm_object unless you need it to have a hierarchical path, which it doesnt sound like.

I'll file this technique under "innocent until proven guilty".

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