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[uvm_reg] best effort front door access does not work?

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Hi, exports,

uvm1.1 class reference illustrate the "best effort" access in uvm_reg filed write (front door).

If a front-door access is used, and if the field is the only field in a byte lane and if the

physical interface corresponding to the address map used to access the field support

byte-enabling, then only the field is written.

however, my test does not work. a 32-bit reg reg32 contains 4 fields byte0, byte1, byte2, byte3.

my code:

reg32_inst.byte0_inst.write(status, 0x88);

then the adaptor still recevie the below uvm_reg_bus_op

d= 0x0000_0088

nbits = 32

byte_enable = 0x1111 (expected to be 0x0001)

Any hint for debuging this? thank you very much!

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  • 3 months later...

After update to uvm 1.1a, This problem still persists in my case. perhaps some mistakes of mine, could anyone give me a hint? thanks!





regmodel.reg1.update(st); -> write 4 bytes



regmodel.reg1.update(st); -> still write 4 bytes // but half word access is expected.

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Thanks Amit!

with your suggestion to set supports_byte_enable =1, the following line could perform byte access.

regmodel.reg1_f1.write(st, 1); // nbits = 8, byte_en = 1

regmodel.reg1_f2.write(st, 1); // nbits = 8, byte_en = 2

regmodel.reg1_f3.write(st, 1); // nbits = 8, byte_en = 4

regmodel.reg1_f4.write(st, 1); // nbits = 8, byte_en = 8

Another question, any seggustion on how to perform the halfword access? thanks!

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Sean, If a field occupies 2 byte lanes, you can perform a halfword access through a fld.write()..

Otherwise, you will have to do a register.write()/update() but manually override the byte_enable property in the adapter.. for the adapter to understand when to override, it can query the extension argument.. see


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