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RivieraPro asim assertaction:on|off syntax

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Anyone had any success using the asim +assertaction command in RivieraPro?


+assertaction:off +event+pass+vacuous  // seems to disable all assertions

+assertaction:off +pass+vacuous  // same


I'd like to simply disable the vacuous pass.


The system command, $assertvacuousoff, works perfectly.  Perhaps it's just a rivierapro issue.

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What exactly you want to do?


This will disable vacuous pass actions

asim +assertaction:off +event+vacuous


This will disable all pass actions (vacuous and nonvacuous)

asim +assertaction:off +event+pass


This will disable all fail action

asim +assertaction:off +event+fail


This will disable all fail and vacuous pass action

asim +assertaction:off +event+fail+vacuous


I can just guess that you do not have any assert fail in you design so

+assertaction:off +event+pass+vacuous

will turn of all action for you, if you'll have any fail then it still would be on



+assertaction:off +pass+vacuous 

will turn of all - as you missed +event which is obligatory do define events on which you want do define on/off. This command is just "+assertaction:off", "+pass+vacuous " is simply ignored


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 For some reason, when I use:

+assertaction:off +event+vacuous+pass

It turns off the pass action block for both non-vacuous and vacuous.


asim +assertaction:off +event+vacuous

Works for me though, because I don't have a failure action block defined; so, thanks for the idea. 


    `assert_clock (
    $rose( $onehot(csel) && rd_nwr && reg_nmem && rdack==0 ) |=>
    (      $stable(csel) && rd_nwr && reg_nmem && $stable(addr) && rdack==0)[*0:$] ##1
    (      $stable(csel) && rd_nwr && reg_nmem && $stable(addr) && $onehot(rdack)))
    -> read_reg_event;

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 For some reason, when I use:

+assertaction:off +event+vacuous+pass

It turns off the pass action block for both non-vacuous and vacuous.

vacuous means vacuous pass

pass means both vacuous and non-vacous fails


So if you use +event+vacuous+pass you are switching off vacous passes and also you switch of all passes as a result all passes are switched off. Command you are using works well.

If you would use +event+vacuous+fail you will swotch off vacuous passes and all fails. (there is no vacuous fail)

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