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uvm_config_db::dump() output shows only '?' for values

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I am running IUS 10.2.

I modified the example in uvm/examples/simple/configuration/manual/my_env_pkg.sv so that it would print the config_db after printing the topology.

task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);


$display("TOPOLOGY ........................................");







the topology looks correct: all variables and their values properly appear (a snippet shown below)

TOPOLOGY ........................................

UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [uVMTOP] UVM testbench topology:


Name Type Size Value


topenv my_env - @4769

inst1 A - @4871

u1 C - @5025

v integral 32 'h1e

s integral 32 'h10

myaa aa_string_string 3 -

myaa[bar] string 3 bye

myaa[foo] string 3 boo

myaa[foobar] string 6 boobah

However, the config_db::dump() only shows '?' for values.

=== resource pool ===

debug [/^topenv\..*$/] : ?


myaa[bar] [/^.*$/] : ?


myaa[foo] [/^topenv\.inst1\.u1$/] : ?


myaa[foo] [/^.*$/] : ?


since the values in the topology are read from the config_db, it would appear that I'm running into a problem with do_print(), but I do not understand why UVM wouldn't already properly print SV classes like 'int' and 'string'. So I suspect pilot-error, but I haven't been able to spot it.

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the printout is "as expected". well, uvm currently relies upon the %p format to print the contents which not all simulators support fully. so for ius this means you do get an "?" printed. the the workaround would be to implement print policy classes but this seems quite some effort for what will be later a %p.


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