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[Help] An compile error encountered when I run the examples in "uvm-1.0p1"

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An compile error encountered when I run the examples in "uvm-1.0p1" as blow:

Error-[IWNMEE] `ifdef or `ifndef with no matching ../../../src/reg/uvm_reg_model.svh 32
`ifdef or `ifndef has no matching `else or `elseif or `endif, check that the directires are balanced.


Could anyone tell me why? and how can i do?

Thanks a lot!

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I can garantee you that the ifdef/endif are balanced in the UVM code... every vendor runs regressions continuously and such an error would have popped up.

You are not providing enough information to help you.

1- Which example?

2- What is yoru working directory?

3- What is your *complete* command line?

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  • 3 months later...

Something else could be wrong, but it is not what the compiler tells you. I recently got this with VMM:

Error-[iWNMEE] `ifdef or `ifndef with no matching

file.sv, 19

`ifdef or `ifndef has no matching `else or `elsif or `endif.

Check that the directives are balanced.

Caused by this code like this:


There are unbalanced parenthesis in the macro invocation, and the compiler gets confused. I can see the same kind of error in using UVM confusing the compiler in the same way.

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