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bind socket between tlm and simple initiator socket

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recently I tried to conncted socket between tlm initiator socket to simple initiator socket,

my code is shown as below:


(actually I modify from example "at_4_pahse")


In select_initiator.h, I declare tlm::tlm_initiator_socket<> initiator_socket;

and in.cpp : initiator_socket(*this) ; (bind to interface)


and in initiator_top.h, I declare

tlm_utils::simple_initiator_socket<initiator_top> initiator_socket;

select_initiator m_initiator;



How do I connect tlm_initiator_socket to simple_initiator_socket in initiator_top.cpp??

 I tried to write m_initiator.initiator_socket(initiator_socket);

but it shows "somplete binding failed"


thanks in advanced!

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