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sc_vector and sc_event_queue


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I am trying to use the following structure to set up a set of event queues:

sc_vector<sc_event_queue> event_lists;

and then have the following structure within my module

for (int i=1; i <= NMAX; ++i)
  sensitive << event_lists[i];

to define the sensivity list for my writer method (yes, I know I indexed from 1...index 0 is used in a different method).


With this in mind, some questions:

Is there any way in "writer" to identify which list item (or items) in the sc_vector triggered the execution of the process?


Assuming multiple items in event lists may be triggered to occur in a given delta cycle (e.g, both event_lists[2] and event_lists[5] should trigger the method in cycle t), is this an appropriate method of handling them or would they occur in cycles t and t+1?  If not, what is the proper/best approach for handling this?


As a bit of further background, I am essentially trying to create an NxN crossbar network where when a packet arrives on input X, I put an event on the queue (via notify) to write a packet to output Y after some delay.  My main goal is to have N be parameterizable as I will want/need to check different values of N.




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Is there any way in "writer" to identify which list item (or items) in the sc_vector triggered the execution of the process?


No, unfortunately, there is no API to determine which events have fired and triggered the execution of a given process.  You need to add additional information to your system, e.g. by storing the value of sc_delta_count for each event notification and check its value in the triggered process (which is how the event() method of sc_signal works internally).  Immediate notifications are even more difficult to track reliably.


Assuming multiple items in event lists may be triggered to occur in a given delta cycle (e.g, both event_lists[2] and event_lists[5] should trigger the method in cycle t), is this an appropriate method of handling them or would they occur in cycles t and t+1?  If not, what is the proper/best approach for handling this?


Yes, the method would be evaluated once, even if multiple events from the sensitivity list fired in the same update phase (notify(SC_ZERO_TIME);).  So this could be an appropriate modeling style. Again, immediate notifications are more difficult to handle reliably: Here, the method may be triggered twice in the same evaluation phase, depending on the (implementation-defined) order of evaluation of runnable processes.




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Thanks for the assist.  I was assuming that I would need to track additional information, but given that I'm relatively new to SystemC, I was hoping I had missed a shortcut.  Alas, no such luck.


I shouldn't be dealing with any immediate notifications, so those won't be an issue.

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From spending a few minutes with the LRM, it looks like that could be a possible solution.  As I am pretty ignorant regarding TLM, I might need some extra assistance.


My first question would be how to use/structure the payload and transaction type?  For my current needs, I would just need an integer to identify which of the incoming ports my data packet was coming in on (we are using a custom packet structure).  Is this doable, and if so, how would one acutally implement it?


To develop the idea further, it seems like I would replace the event_lists.notify(t) with m_peq.notify(in_port, t).  Then, the SC_METHOD(writer) would become a SC_THREAD(writer) with a clk.pos sensitivity and the writer function would handle event checking (m_peq.get_event()) and read the transaction type (from m_peq.get_next_transaction()) to know which incoming ports have a valid message at the current clock.  Is this a resonable starting point or am I way off base?




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