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Implement a timer at LT level

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Hi All:


Get to implement a timer module in SytemC-TLM. And it is at LT level. The Time used for interrupt generation is from sc_time_stamp.


My current implementation is using TLM payload event queue, which means the timer caculates the expected wait time for the request and do "notify(x ns)" for the payload event queue.


Which the drawback is:


1.When I add the cancel function for a ongoing time request, I can't delete the "time request" from the event queue. I do a workaround like saving some tags when the timeout happened to achieve the "cancel"


2.When I add a stop function for the timer, I also need a tag and did lots of workaround in order to fullfil the stop/re-start function.


So, is there any foward way to do this? If i do my own queues instead of using Payload event queue(But I guess I still need to use notify(x ns) in some way), may I somehow delete a ongoing requests?





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