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sc_bool to sc_logic


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How to convert sc_bool to sc_logic?


I have a clock which is connected to an and gate. The gate accepts sc_logic signals.

Hello Sir,

First of all, are you sure there is any data type "sc_bool" ? If so, what is the

difference between the built-in C++ datatype "bool" and "sc_bool" ? Using

the standard C++ bool datatype the conversion from bool to sc_bool is

simple, using string literals.

Let us suppose there is a Boolean variable 'bb' and a sc_logic variable

sc_l as:


bool bb;

sc_dt::sc_logic sc_l;

/* some processing * here .. */

sc_l = bb == true ? '1' : '0';

/* Reverse conversion */

bb = sc_l == '1' ? true : false;


Note that sc_logic can take on two other values:

'X' : dont't care state

'Z' : high impedance state


Hope that helps.

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My problem, I cannot connect a clock to my and gate module. I have got compiler errors.

int sc_main(int argc, char* argv[])
  sc_signal<sc_logic> q,c,b,a;
  sc_signal<sc_logic> N2_1,N0;
  sc_clock clk("clk", 1, SC_US, 0.5, 0, SC_US, true);
  org U1("U1");
  U1.I1(clk); U1.I2(c); U1.Q(q); 

  andg U2("U2");
  U2.I1(a); U2.I2(; U2.Q(N2_1); 

  testbench TB("TB");
  TB << q << c << b << a;

  monitor MON("MON");
  MON << q << c << b << a;

  sc_start(10, SC_US);

  return 0;


#ifndef andgH
#define andgH

#include "systemc.h"

 sc_in<sc_logic> I1, I2; // input pins
 sc_out<sc_logic> Q; // output pin o

 void proc() { Q = I1 & I2; }
     sensitive << I1 << I2;


Or If not works how could I make a clock like in vhdl.

	 clk <= '0';
	 wait for 1 us;
	 clk <= '1';
	 wait for 1 us;
	end process;

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I don't believe there is any elegant solution other than changing your U1.I1 input port to type bool or write a separate clock module.


In addition to dakupoto answers you can also:


sc_l = static_cast<sc_logic> (bb);
bb = sc_l.to_bool();


Resolution between 'X'/'Z' and '0'/'1' will not be the same as in VHDL.


Good luck,

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My problem, I cannot connect a clock to my and gate module. I have got compiler errors.

int sc_main(int argc, char* argv[])
  sc_signal<sc_logic> q,c,b,a;
  sc_signal<sc_logic> N2_1,N0;
  sc_clock clk("clk", 1, SC_US, 0.5, 0, SC_US, true);
  org U1("U1");
  U1.I1(clk); U1.I2(c); U1.Q(q); 

  andg U2("U2");
  U2.I1(a); U2.I2(; U2.Q(N2_1); 

  testbench TB("TB");
  TB << q << c << b << a;

  monitor MON("MON");
  MON << q << c << b << a;

  sc_start(10, SC_US);

  return 0;


#ifndef andgH
#define andgH

#include "systemc.h"

 sc_in<sc_logic> I1, I2; // input pins
 sc_out<sc_logic> Q; // output pin o

 void proc() { Q = I1 & I2; }
     sensitive << I1 << I2;


Or If not works how could I make a clock like in vhdl.

	 clk <= '0';
	 wait for 1 us;
	 clk <= '1';
	 wait for 1 us;
	end process;

Hello Sir,

It appears that there are some fundamental issues that need attention.

1. The AND gate module looks fine -- what exactly is the error message ?

2. HDLs as Verilog/VHDL were designed keeping in mind the special

requirements of simulating hardware -- concurrency, clocks, etc., SystemC

is a C++ library, and C++ was NOT designed to address the special

requirements of hardware design, so one cannot hope to achieve

identical end result with SystemC that one does with Verilog/VHDL.

A lot of times, workarounds are required.

Hope that helps.

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