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Runtime Fatal Error : p_sequencer can't be casting from a parameterized sequencer

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Hi, Dear All,


I have a very interesting problem here, image a multiple lanes (changeable) communication system, since some relationship maybe exist across those lanes, in order to model it, I just use a parameterized driver/sequencer in a verification environment, which looks like as:

class driver #(parameter LANES = 4) extends uvm_driver #(transaction #(LANES));

class sequencer #(parameter LANES = 4) extends uvm_sequencer #(transaction #(LANES));  

Simultaneously, I want to use following Macro in my sequence providing a handle pointed to the sequencer, as we know, called p_sequencer.

class pma_base_sequence #(parameter LANES = 4) extends uvm_sequence; 
  `uvm_declare_p_sequencer(sequencer #(LANES))

However, I got following runtime uvm_fatal error:


UVM_FATAL ../src/uvc/PMA/pma_sequence_lib.sv(15) @ 0: uvm_test_top.pma_agt.pma_seqr@@pma_base_seq [DCLPSQ] testbench_top.pma_base_sequence.m_set_p_sequencer uvm
est_top.pma_agt.pma_seqr.pma_base_seq Error casting p_sequencer, please verify that this sequence/sequence item is intended to execute on this type of sequencer
It looks like the casting from my parameterized sequencer above to specific p_sequencer failed, i.e. this statement failed:
$cast(p_sequencer, sequencer#(LANES))
I have no idea what's going on here, does anyone knew it ? I really appreciate if you can help me, thanks in advance !
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