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temporal decoupling

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Hello all,


Could somebody explain the concept of temporal decoupling?


According to my understanding:

In loosely timed approach one process runs then after finishing first, 2nd process runs means one after another??

And in temporal decoupling approach, all processes run parallel and synchronized at some time where needed??


I am not able to understand how both concepts are related to each other??





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Temporal decoupling refers to the idea that a process may keep running, but keeping its own local variable to hold the time. This local time may be "in the future" relative to the value returned by sc_time_stamp().


Because SystemC is essentially a co-operative scheduler, the process has to wait() at some time to let other processes run. That is the synchronization you refer to.


Note that SystemC is a single-threaded application, so when you say "all processes run in parallel" it is still a co-operative scheduler - no other process can run until the currently running process suspends.




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Hello alan,


I Read the post.Some questions there :

why we cannot use wait() in target??


In one quantum many processes in an initiator can run or many initiators can run ? Please tell which one is right?


Actually Still not able  to understand that where is the concept of temporal decoupling in whole post???Means where its used?






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